Hi Guys, Finally got round to visting this place and it was definitely worth the wait, Managed to take the trusty dinghy over to the island and what a place it is!
Not sure if its's been covered on here before.
Heard a few stories on this place, One being that it was an Australian artist who used the house in the 1900s and had the wallabies that happily roam the island brung over.
Not sure how much truth is in that story as i managed to find this..
Anyway heres a few of my pics from the day
This was taken inside the workshops in the back garden
Old Pulley system for pulling the boats onto land
Hope you enjoyed, Check out more Pics on my Photobucket
Not sure if its's been covered on here before.
Heard a few stories on this place, One being that it was an Australian artist who used the house in the 1900s and had the wallabies that happily roam the island brung over.
Not sure how much truth is in that story as i managed to find this..
This was once the holiday home of Lady Arran, sister of Sir Ivan Colquhoun, and who was once the holder of a power boat speed record! The bungalow was built in the 1920s by a retired Admiral, who was known as Admiral Sullivan , and who it is said brought electric power to the island. It is also said that when his business collapsed, he went to live in the dungeon of 'Island I Vow' at the north end of the Loch.
Anyway heres a few of my pics from the day

This was taken inside the workshops in the back garden
Old Pulley system for pulling the boats onto land
Hope you enjoyed, Check out more Pics on my Photobucket