The Swan View Tunnel is a former railway tunnel located on the southern side of the Jane Brook valley in the outer Perth suburb of Swan View in the John Forrest National Park on the edge of the Darling Scarp. After its closure as a railway tunnel, it reopened as part of the John Forrest Heritage Trail, a rail trail. It is Australia gauge and has been closed since 1962.
Photos were taken on my Nikon d3200 and kit lens.
Coming up to the tunnel along the path.
Its a bit of a short tunnel unfortunately.
Smoke marks from steam trains.
ignore my brother he is an absolute goon.
Nice little moth.
The light at the end of the tunnel.
Any clues what this was for?
Nothing exciting inside.
Some nice granite or quartz vein or something.
Workers cove.
I dont know what happend here.
Nearing the end now.
Water coming up through the ground weirdly.
And one of the view.
Thanks for looking.
The Swan View Tunnel is a former railway tunnel located on the southern side of the Jane Brook valley in the outer Perth suburb of Swan View in the John Forrest National Park on the edge of the Darling Scarp. After its closure as a railway tunnel, it reopened as part of the John Forrest Heritage Trail, a rail trail. It is Australia gauge and has been closed since 1962.
Photos were taken on my Nikon d3200 and kit lens.
And one of the view.
Thanks for looking.