Swithland Waterworks
Some History:
Designed by Architects J B Everard and Everard & Pick
The waterworks comprised a large reservoir, pump house, 6 polygonal filter beds, symmetrically placed about an hexagonal covered, partly sunken, draw-off tank with elaborate balustrade
A central gazebo covers the central air vent above the main water tank, and combined with the filter beds this site was designed to clean the water from the reservoir before it was supplied to the city of Leicester
The site was Grade II listed in 1984
Well what can I say about this place.. Firstly props to HOST for bringing this place to light, without whom I doubt this would have been touched

"Ojay this is right up your street" - No shit

Now as good as this place looked after seeing a few reports pop up, I just knew I had to one day see it, but was fucked if I was drving all the way to Leicester just for this (I'm a lazy C**T these days)

Fast forward a couple of months and Squirrell, Rookinella & myself were on our way to Birmingham after an epic 24 hours in LON on a mini roadtrip
After a quick search on the forum this was the only worthy site that popped up, almost a reminder that I had forgot about it
The site is very much live, as me and Rooks soon found out after poking through the trees
We went to try and gain access into the main pump house which was wide open, a real no go here as we could hear voices from within and workers within sight
Not to be put off we went in search of the underground resi, access was simple enough, but I was unsure of those rather large oddly shaped spiders at the entrance
Hexagonal draw-off tank
Central Air Vent
Filter Bed
Underground Shizzle