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Report - Taking over Pyestock, August 2012

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Mr Muscle
28DL Full Member
So here we go with yet another report from this weekends Pyestock takeover by 10 of the finest people ever to hop a fence.

I won't do the the history as urbanginger covered it in his report and it's been done to death on here many times before far better than I could be bothered doing.

The planning for my adventure to Pye started on Chatbox about a month ago with Leeds Explorer talking about doing an overnighter in there. I duly added my name to the list as did HolliDeanne. Little did I know that LE flaps like a good un and would talk at great length about this trip at every opportunity on chat. As a lot of you will know from there, the plans changed about 20 times in all before a bus ticket was even bought. My plans were simples. Drive to pick Holli up and go in the bloody place. They became even simpler when Hollz backed out with a week to go and I offered to pick LE up from a station of his choice on my way. Woking at 8.40 it was then. All I needed to do was get an early night for my 6am departure on Saturday.

Here's me preparing for it well after midnight in Covent Garden with Lauren Wenger, probably the best female water polo player on earth, a gold medallist and, at 6'3, the longest woman I've ever touched appropriately, dripping off me..


Anyway, after getting in around 3am I set 4 alarms to wake me up at 5.30 and wake up I did. I was a mess. I drank a very strong coffe and left slightly late to pick LE up. By the time I got to Woking, LE had arrived and we set off for a MacShack brekkie before meeting the delightful Kent boys around the perimeter.

We went on a lovely hour long walk through the woods only to end up where we'd started previously, very much outside the fence. Still, we all perked up slightly when a rather lovely dog walker passed by. After a couple of recces by myself and Space Invader, we decided on where we were going in and our Pye takeover began...

The crew in Cell 3 West


Air House



Walking the beams



Control room



Cell 4





No. 10 Exhauster


LE in the control room


Plant House







Oh, as lovely Holli couldn't make it, I left a little bit of her in there


Had an awesome day, and I hope to see you all again sometime soon.

Love to all that want it X