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Report - Taxi Graveyard, Liverpool - July 23

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the north
Regular User
Taxi Graveyard

Really not much to say about this place. I have no idea why they are here, can only assume it's a private collection. I could care less about car graveyards, cars in general to be honest, just chunks of metal to me and I could never understand spending more on a curvy chunk of metal than a boxy one when both get you from a to b. That being said, it's very fucking cool. The decay mixed with the vehicles shows that they've been sat there for a very long time. We'd had a rough idea where they were resting for years, and I'm glad we persisted with rectifying the exact location. It's scattered within lots of different repair shops, each with unsettling, grumpy men watching you as we look at their businesses wondering whether there are some decaying taxis deep inside. Visited with @jtza and Alex, it was a really good feeling seeing them finally, and I still consider it from of my favourite discoveries, just because of how much research and attempts we spent tracking them down. It goes to show with the fact the videos been out for a good two months and no-one has found it yet/been, despite it being arguably the most photogenic instagram worthy destination going. Anyway, judge for yourself.
















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28DL Regular User
Regular User
These are just so nice. One I am definitely going to check when that way. Took a while to locate.


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Really cool, my kind of place.

I'm gonna pick one pedantic hole in your write up though, saying you 'could care less' about something implies that you actually really care about them and it fills me with anger and rage because it's 'couldn't care less' :rofl


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Ah, the bakery next to that other Kensington dump - climbed in around 2018 then climbed out again pretty rapidly.

The car repair guys are actually quite useful - fixed a dinge I put in the mother-in-law's car once for not much money.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Love a vehicle graveyard. In fact I recently done a taxi one myself, only they were blue in colour with logos, but were black cab design very odd. Nicely photographed 👍


"The Pump People"
Regular User
The overgrowth in this place is top notch. Was up that way a few months back, gutted didn't know about it as would love to see it.