After reading an article this morning about how building work was soon to begin at the old site of the American Adventure, I decided to take the long drive there to see the place one last time. A place that holds a lot of great childhood memories, the first place I ever rode a rollercoaster (the missile), a place I haven't been since....93 or 94.
This also happens to be my very first exploration, even though I'm a long time lurker of this forum.
I know Daftlad did a report 2 years ago, which I had seen a few times....I actually purposely took some photos in almost the exact same place as him to see the 2 year change.
This is how the park looked around the time it closed.....
And here is one of the maps from the park, although i'm not 100% what year it is....
And now my photos.....
First thing you'll notice is that nature has reclaimed much of the site, the reeds, bushes etc are so high in places it's like a maze, 10-15 feet in general. Sad to know the beautiful area will soon be the location of nothing but rich folks homes....anyway.....
This is the road in, their used to be a sign on the left welcoming you but that is long gone.
All the car parks are still there, being slowly reclaimed by nature.
The main path to the entrance.
The old entrance, photo taken over the metal fence.
The coal thingy is the only building still standing.
The base of a hut like building but I'm having trouble working out what it was.
The Augusta Golf Challenge Tee, where you could win huge prizes if you got a hole in one.
The area near where the twin looper once stood
This shipping container is the only structure on the entire park (apart from the coal building), I thought it might have been a security office, but it was just a closed shipping container.
People are not happy about the houses which are going to be built on the land next year....
A random track idea what it came off, but it was in the twin looper area.
Can't really read the words now, but it's something along the line of 'stand behind the white line' as the train track is directly in front of it.
The base of silver city....where all the cowboys and indian shows took place.
Pier 49, now long gone....
The area of the Yankee Clipper and High Sierra
A small piece of remaining train track.
The main steps
View from the top of the main steps
Site of the Aztec City
The Go-Kart track
The site of the old log flume, at one time the largest in Eruope
This also happens to be my very first exploration, even though I'm a long time lurker of this forum.
I know Daftlad did a report 2 years ago, which I had seen a few times....I actually purposely took some photos in almost the exact same place as him to see the 2 year change.
This is how the park looked around the time it closed.....
And here is one of the maps from the park, although i'm not 100% what year it is....

And now my photos.....
First thing you'll notice is that nature has reclaimed much of the site, the reeds, bushes etc are so high in places it's like a maze, 10-15 feet in general. Sad to know the beautiful area will soon be the location of nothing but rich folks homes....anyway.....
This is the road in, their used to be a sign on the left welcoming you but that is long gone.
All the car parks are still there, being slowly reclaimed by nature.
The main path to the entrance.
The old entrance, photo taken over the metal fence.
The coal thingy is the only building still standing.
The base of a hut like building but I'm having trouble working out what it was.
The Augusta Golf Challenge Tee, where you could win huge prizes if you got a hole in one.
The area near where the twin looper once stood
This shipping container is the only structure on the entire park (apart from the coal building), I thought it might have been a security office, but it was just a closed shipping container.
People are not happy about the houses which are going to be built on the land next year....
A random track idea what it came off, but it was in the twin looper area.
Can't really read the words now, but it's something along the line of 'stand behind the white line' as the train track is directly in front of it.
The base of silver city....where all the cowboys and indian shows took place.
Pier 49, now long gone....
The area of the Yankee Clipper and High Sierra
A small piece of remaining train track.
The main steps
View from the top of the main steps
Site of the Aztec City
The Go-Kart track
The site of the old log flume, at one time the largest in Eruope