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Report - - The Black Tower, London September/October 2015 | High Stuff |

Report - The Black Tower, London September/October 2015

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
During late September me and a good friend of mine did something we had always wanted to.

We scaled the local ''skyscraper''. No, it really isn't a sky scraper... At 16 stories The Black Tower has always been an ominous building but is considered to be the ugliest building in London.

I won't say how old we are exactly but we are both under 18 and I can't legally get married, that's an indicator of my age. So, earlier this year I fantasized about venturing up the building and presented my plan to a friend who wasn't interested for his reasons so I regretfully put it out of my mind. About 2 months ago I got back into contact with a childhood friend of mine whom after little discussion seemed just as exhilarated by the idea of climbing The Black Tower as I was!

So, for whatever reason we simply decided to pluck up the nerve and climb the damn thing, I still consider it a great feat for a first roof-topping adventure especially considering our age and the limitations. There isn't a lot to say about the climb itself, we were both really nervous and the building itself has truly feels dangerous as it was abandoned for around a decade which of course would have been ideal for us to climb but now it is under construction which we tactically avoided, we were simply too young to take the opportunity at the time. As you will see in some of the photos there is also a crane working on the site because it is under construction (an apartment complex is due to be completed by the end of 2016) and we looked at the base of the crane and it seems to be virtually inaccessible and is extremely obvious as the building itself i slap bang in the middle of a small community high-street with a tube station and all. This doesn't mean that I will never climb the crane but I will put it on hold until I am more comfortable with the Jibs.
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To conclude, I will upload the best photos of our adventure and will link my YouTube channel, before you complain yes I am aware the video would be easy to trace but considering the insignificance of the climb I doubt it will be noticed by anyone and I want to make it clear that we by no means intended on damaging anything or vandalizing the building, I simply consider us to be the next generation of urban explorers. I have since climbed the building again and will be uploading a second video tomorrow, be sure to check them out. I intend to continue roof topping in my home city, London, and will continue to VLOG and photograph all my climbs and hopefully when I'm old enough I will move on to bigger and better things, Dubai, America and Tokyo are the dreams.

Hope you enjoyed my first post and the pictures too, YouTube link :
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Staff member
It's not a bad effort fella, some of the pics are a bit under exposed, are you using a camera capable of aperture and exposure control, if so have play with the settings

If you're not using a tripod then that will help also, just a few of the pics are a bit blurry like th camera has moved ?

Other than that, thanks for sharing and keep at it :thumb


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It's not a bad effort fella, some of the pics are a bit under exposed, are you using a camera capable of aperture and exposure control, if so have play with the settings

If you're not using a tripod then that will help also, just a few of the pics are a bit blurry like th camera has moved ?

Other than that, thanks for sharing and keep at it :thumb
Thanks a lot


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
That isn't a nice thing to say, so why say it? I prefer constructive criticism

Your report features an unnecessary amount of photos, several of which are the same view, while others are simply bad photos. Quality not quantity etc.


Is this the future?
28DL Full Member
A decent first effort I'd say. Keep exploring. The photos are a bit naff, but most people's are when they first post on here.

Look forward to seeing what else you have a crack at :thumb

The Lone Ranger

Safety is paramount!
Staff member
Good effort :thumb

I prefer seeing people getting out and doing stuff rather than National Geographic quality photographs. It is worth though checking what you put in a report so there aren't duplicates and probably just use less photos if it doesn't add anything to the overall report. Look forward to your next report.