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Report - The Citadel - Sheffield - Feb 20

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Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
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The Grade II-listed old Citadel building in Sheffield has stood empty since the Salvation Army left their former headquarters in 1999.
The Salvation Army arrived in Sheffield during 1878 and within three years had four halls attracting attendances of over 4,000 people. It was obvious that a bigger venue was needed for the No. 1 Corps which had previously met in a small building on Thomas Street. The London headquarters of the Army promised to fund the construction of a new meeting hall on the understanding that there would be a local contribution of £2,000. A piece of land was bought from Sheffield Corporation at a cost of £7,812.


The architect William Gillbee Scott (1857-1930), who had conceived the Gower Street Memorial Chapel in London, was asked to design the new Citadel along with shops and offices alongside. The foundation stones were laid in September 1892 with construction completed by the end of 1893. Its fortress-like appearance, with battlements and towers, lived up to the Citadel’s name. Completed at a cost of £25,000, the building consisted of a large hall, various rooms and apartments, with three large nearby business premises which were let almost immediately.



The main hall in the Citadel had seating for 2,000 people. At one end was a theatre-like platform with an orchestra behind. A main gallery occupied three sides of the hall with boxes sited at each end. An upper gallery was also situated at the back. In addition, there were ante-rooms, a band room for use of the brass band, and a large room under the orchestra accommodating another 300 people.


The Salvation Army Citadel opened in January 1894, spoilt by heavy rain, forcing the planned outdoor event to be adjourned inside. The ceremony started when the order was given to fire a volley, followed by a rousing rendition of Hallelujah.



The Citadel survived for 105 years, its popularity waning in time, resulting in its final departure to smaller premises at the end of last century. Admired by many, but seemingly unable to attract the right kind of developer, the building has been subject to several unsuccessful redevelopment plans.



Been covered many times |I know but the architecture of this place is excellent so though I would share my pics. The superb suspended glass ceiling is just hanging on under the weight of all the pigeon crap & is unfortunately a shadow of its former self. There is water ingress everywhere so its future is looking ominous.









Thanks For looking

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Not sure if you've polished a turf there or if you've just shot it better than most do, it looks better than I thought it was.


Surprisingly Unsurprising
Regular User
Never knew what this place was even called, even when I went. Nice to see some history on it and a great set of images.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Great set of pictures @BikinGlynn You really did that place justice. Well sealed up these days. Hope it gets saved....

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Very nice mate. One to add to the list.
thanks, not sure how accessible it is now but deffo try it if u r up that way

Nice report mate :thumb

Ace report mate
cheers dude

Not sure if you've polished a turf there or if you've just shot it better than most do, it looks better than I thought it was.
amazing the reaction considering it's completely empty & falling in on itself

You were risking it taking a photo of the skylights, I nearly got shit on so many time in there with those flying rats.
think I was laying down in all the shit there too lol

Never knew what this place was even called, even when I went. Nice to see some history on it and a great set of images.
thanks, I'd didn't ever if I'm honest at the time

Great set of pictures @BikinGlynn You really did that place justice. Well sealed up these days. Hope it gets saved....
thanks dude, there is a fb group dedicated to saving this I believe

Nice report mate great pictures :thumb
cheers mate

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Really nice report. Enjoyed reading and viewing this. Well showcased. I agree the architecture is very creative & attractive. You done the place proud.

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