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The Cross Keys Pub - Rotherham - Jan 2022 | Leisure Sites |

The Cross Keys Pub - Rotherham - Jan 2022

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28DL Member
28DL Member
First time posting but have a few different reports I need to write up. Been exploring for a few months but this seemed a good one to start with as it’s certainly not what we expected to find within!!
The cross keys used to be a pub and hotel and was a highly rated (according to reviews) pub but was shut then sold in 2016 and it turned out it’s been used until March 2021 for growing weed! All the old bags are at I’ll inside and the men who were using it certainly put some effort into insulating it and ventilating. Quick article bel


Rotherham is a very run down place and we noticed this pub on the way to the old Howard College building so decided to have a nosy on our way back to the car. Easy enough to get into.

Walking into rooms full of dead cannabis plants wasn’t expected! It’s a nice old building.


The old pub mirror with logo and reflected is the handywork of the growers.

You can just about make out their handy requirements for 15 plants! Who says maths is a waste of time?


They made a right mess even going into brickwork and through the ceiling.


They obviously left in a hurry leaving behind food.


Outside there was an open garage with growing material still present, surprised police haven’t taken

An interesting explore indeed


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
To be honest, Rotheram is kind of a land of opportunity when it comes to Urbex. There are so many places that have closed down and many of them look viable for exploring. That being said, the old Rugby F.C. Pub (Masons Arms) is probably too unsafe judging by the damage caused by the huge blaze it suffered.

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