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Report - - The Crystal Maze - October 2015 | Underground Sites |

Report - The Crystal Maze - October 2015


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The Crystal Maze


Cracked with @TunnelMon
After having scrapped the original plan due to my hand being broken we decided to head down to check out some pretty interesting-looking lids.


After what seemed like forever we popped the first lid and saw a ladder reaching down into the darkness. I stumbled down it, torch in the broken hand whilst the other gripped the ladder, and we entered the Crystal Maze.


As Ojay put it, the maze is a series of connecting voids underneath a large stretch of motorway, seemingly used to monitor structural integrity from the foundations up. Whilst down there we noticed the letters 'BCWS' scratched onto each chamber (Boosted Cold Water Supply, or so it would seem). These chambers would be filled with water if the pressure above got too great, and could be filled and emptied as appropriate.


Another ladder awaited us and we climbed down, balancing on a ledge at the bottom. We crawled through numerous chambers before reaching the end, it seemed to just go round in a circle - North, East, South, West.


As usual I had come fully tripod, no torch, just a camera. A few funky camera positions were tried that day and upon exiting TunnelMon pointed out I 'had black all over my face' that could only have been from me trying to manoeuvre my eye to the level of the eyepiece. Bollocks.

A message from Ojay later confirmed what this place was, we thought we'd found something new but it seemed otherwise :( it was definitely good to see what was down there!​