The Delancey Hospital, Leckhampton, was founded by the late Miss Delancey, who bequeathed £5,000 for this purpose, but through some informality only £3,750 eventually became available : the late Rev. J. H. L. Gabell gave £1,000 towards the site and £5,365 for the buildings and furniture, and £1,000 Consols as an endowment fund. The Eye, Ear and Throat Free Hospital, North place, established in 1889, is for the gratuitous relief of really indigent persons suffering from diseases of the eye, ear and throat; it is managed by a committee of subscribers; it contains 13 beds, and treats about 450 in-patients and 2,000 out-patients annually ; there is a ward for paying patients desiring special hospital treatment. The Cobourg Society and Dispensary for Diseases of Women and Children was established in 1817.