Visited with Scott.
We went here on our way to Southport General at the tail end of last year after Scott had mentioned we go and have a poke. It's a pretty small place but significant if you are well into your asylums as it's where Ian Brady was treated for a while. Extensive history of the place was covered by Alley and Bigjobs in their reports so just a wee copy and paste jobbie from me.
The photos...for want of a better word...are shite
I'd left my Nikon at my parent's house for ages last year and was using Yaz's *ahem* AMAZING!! *ahem* Fuji5600. Thanks man
Here they are in all their wobbly blurry glory....
Ashworth Hospital is a high security psychiatric hospital in Merseyside located in the north Liverpool suburb of Maghull, England.
Ashworth is one of the three "special" hospitals in England and Wales, along with Rampton and Broadmoor, that exist to work with people who require treatment in conditions of special security due to their "dangerous, violent or criminal propensities". Ashworth was formed from the merger of the old Moss Side Hospital (originally a learning-disability unit once used for the treatment of "shell shock" in World War I) and the vastly more modern and considerably more appropriate Park Lane Hospital, opened as a Broadmoor overspill unit in the early 1970s.
The hospital has had a mixed history and has been the subject of two major public inquiries; Blom-Cooper in the 1992 and Fallon in 1998. It currently houses some 275 male patients.
The old East site of the hospital has been leased to Her Majesty's Prison Service, and is now the location of HMP Kennet.
In the surrounding area of Maghull, Lydiate, Melling and beyond, Ashworth is noted for the weekly test of its alarm system, sounded at 9:00AM every Monday morning. Such an alarm system is audible in much of the surrounding area, as far afield as the outskirts of Kirkby and Skelmersdale. This alarm system is intended to warn residents and institutions of escapees, of which there have been two in its history as a psychiatric hospital.
Check out the lyrics! Innapropriate considering the patients?!!!!
Generic green pyjamas
An "abstract" photo-yeah I meant to do that
How else to treat the criminally insane than the dulcet tones of Lionel Richie?
I'd say there were more serious secrets happening there...
Patient artwork-highly disturbing.....
Uber fence
We went here on our way to Southport General at the tail end of last year after Scott had mentioned we go and have a poke. It's a pretty small place but significant if you are well into your asylums as it's where Ian Brady was treated for a while. Extensive history of the place was covered by Alley and Bigjobs in their reports so just a wee copy and paste jobbie from me.
The photos...for want of a better word...are shite

Here they are in all their wobbly blurry glory....
Ashworth Hospital is a high security psychiatric hospital in Merseyside located in the north Liverpool suburb of Maghull, England.
Ashworth is one of the three "special" hospitals in England and Wales, along with Rampton and Broadmoor, that exist to work with people who require treatment in conditions of special security due to their "dangerous, violent or criminal propensities". Ashworth was formed from the merger of the old Moss Side Hospital (originally a learning-disability unit once used for the treatment of "shell shock" in World War I) and the vastly more modern and considerably more appropriate Park Lane Hospital, opened as a Broadmoor overspill unit in the early 1970s.
The hospital has had a mixed history and has been the subject of two major public inquiries; Blom-Cooper in the 1992 and Fallon in 1998. It currently houses some 275 male patients.
The old East site of the hospital has been leased to Her Majesty's Prison Service, and is now the location of HMP Kennet.
In the surrounding area of Maghull, Lydiate, Melling and beyond, Ashworth is noted for the weekly test of its alarm system, sounded at 9:00AM every Monday morning. Such an alarm system is audible in much of the surrounding area, as far afield as the outskirts of Kirkby and Skelmersdale. This alarm system is intended to warn residents and institutions of escapees, of which there have been two in its history as a psychiatric hospital.
Check out the lyrics! Innapropriate considering the patients?!!!!
Generic green pyjamas
An "abstract" photo-yeah I meant to do that
How else to treat the criminally insane than the dulcet tones of Lionel Richie?
I'd say there were more serious secrets happening there...
Patient artwork-highly disturbing.....

Uber fence