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Report - - The hunt for BORIS @ Browns Folly 01/2011 | Mines and Quarries |

Report - The hunt for BORIS @ Browns Folly 01/2011

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Visited with Eotech,im starting to really enjoy mines the photographic possibilities are endless and theres always the fact you can get totally lost when your a n00b like me ....

Brown's folly is a 39.9 hectare biological and geological Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) near the village of Bathford in Bath and North East Somerset, notified in 1974. Also known as Farleigh (or Farly) Down Stone Quarry, it is operated as a nature reserve by theAvon Wildlife Trust (AWT).
Brown's Folly is situated on steep west-facing slopes which overlook the River Avon. The calcareous soils have developed on Lower Lias clays, fuller's earth and oolitic limestone strata of Jurassic age. The local geology is of major importance in the context of the British Bathonian stratigraphy.


The site includes the remains of quarries used for the extraction of Bath Stone. These provide a rich variety of wildlife habitats. Downland flora has covered the spoilheaps where wild thyme, harebell and nine species of orchid (including the rare Fly Orchid) are found. Yellow Bird's-nest occurs here. The damp cliff faces support a variety of ferns, fungi and spiders. Pockets of ancient woodland on the lower slopes are home to woodpeckers, and unusual plants such as Bath asparagus.


The old underground quarries are used for roosting by the Greater Horseshoe Bat, and five other bat species are present at the site. The main bat roost area is clearly marked on the survey created by the SMCC, and everyone is asked to avoid the area. Boris, the oldest Greater Horseshoe Bat ever recorded in Britain, was discovered at Brown's Folly in January 2000... The underground workings themselves are of great speleological and historical interest. They are extremely well decorated and contain many delicate stalactites and examples of gull formation (caves features formed by land slippage). The quarry workings provided stone for the façade of Buckingham palace.








Thanks for looking Oldskool...........​
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