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28DL Member
28DL Member
Hey guys! Been here a while so I thought I would make my first post.
We went to visit the lodge in Chesterfield, though the top of the building is out of bounds due to fire damage, it’s still a very Interesting walk through. There are signs that people still use this building so if you visit here, please be cautious!
view from the front of the building

Taken from the bar, top left corner you can see where the cameras have been melted due to the fire. Just behind the door where my fella is, you can see where somebody or something has fallen straight through the floorboards.

Second story, again a lot of fire damage and broken floorboards.

Ground floor, to the left you can see what used to be a stage. Looks like someone had a car accident nearby in their Seat Leon and decided to throw the bumper in for decor !

Lots of interesting graffiti around the exterior of the building.

Through some grass and some stinging nettles by the side of the building is what used to be a kids play area. Some.. er interesting finds round this bit If you zoom in well enough it looks like someone has left their dress !
We really enjoyed exploring round this pub and we are really getting into this while urbexing now! So hopefully I will be putting more posts up as we go along !
Many thanks for reading!

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Well done on 1st report, always the hardest. Photos are good. Just a few tips for future reports. Try find some history, copied & paste is fine, or written after reading is great too. Also the title needs just a mth & yr of visit. Not exact date for your protection, but dating it, means we keep format and shows how decayed it gets.

Happy exploring, and a warm welcome CJ


28DL Member
28DL Member
Well done on 1st report, always the hardest. Photos are good. Just a few tips for future reports. Try find some history, copied & paste is fine, or written after reading is great too. Also the title needs just a mth & yr of visit. Not exact date for your protection, but dating it, means we keep format and shows how decayed it gets.

Happy exploring, and a warm welcome CJ
Ahh okay, will keep that in mind for future posts ! Thank you for the advise and the friendly welcome!


28DL Member
28DL Member
Very sad to see the state it has got into in 4 years of closure and neglect. My great uncle had his 65th and his funeral reception there several years before it closed. It is pretty much unrecognisable now from how it was then, even the exterior. Thank you for sharing these photos!

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Very sad to see the state it has got into in 4 years of closure and neglect. My great uncle had his 65th and his funeral reception there several years before it closed. It is pretty much unrecognisable now from how it was then, even the exterior. Thank you for sharing these photos!
I am always saying that someone somewhere will appreciate the photos, they provide memories and social history. And that cant be a bad thing. This is however bad for 4 years closure.

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