The Royal Navy Cordite Factory, Holton Heath, (RNCF), was set up at Holton Heath, Dorset in World War I to manufacture Cordite for the Royal Navy. It was reactivated in World War II to manufacture gun propellants for the Admiralty and its output was supplemented by the Royal Navy Propellant Factory, Caerwent. After the end of World War II, the explosive manufacturing areas of the site were closed down and some areas of the site reopened as an Admiralty Research Establishment. A major part of the explosives site became a Nature Reserve in 1981. Other parts of the site were converted into an Industrial Estate; and some may be used for housing.
The Admiralty Research Establishment became part of Defense Research Agency (DRA) and DRA Holton Heath finally closed in the late 1990s. None of the site is now owned by the Ministry of Defense.
Flak Gun Tower
Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft guns
These towers were erected to the east and west of the Royal Navy Cordite Factory at Holton Heath in Dorset and were designed to accommodate Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft guns. The towers are arranged in pairs and although the eastern pair are in remarkably good state of preservation the western towers are starting to collapse as a consequence of rabbits burrowing into the sandy substrate beneath the tower foundations.
Control Trench (1917)
Control Trench (2011)
Ladder leading from top of the trench into the bunker
Inside the bunker
Construction of Fox Hill Reservoir (1914)
Main entrance into reservoir -No Visible entry point
The site is massive and only managed to cover half so will be going back for a noisy around again.
Couple of pics hanging though the hatches in demolished valve room
The Magazine
Inside the Blast Shelters
Odd Buildings dotted around the site
Boiler House
The gate to now where
This site is massive and i was only able to cover half of it, there is loads more to find, so will be making a return trip soon.
The Admiralty Research Establishment became part of Defense Research Agency (DRA) and DRA Holton Heath finally closed in the late 1990s. None of the site is now owned by the Ministry of Defense.
Flak Gun Tower
Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft guns
These towers were erected to the east and west of the Royal Navy Cordite Factory at Holton Heath in Dorset and were designed to accommodate Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft guns. The towers are arranged in pairs and although the eastern pair are in remarkably good state of preservation the western towers are starting to collapse as a consequence of rabbits burrowing into the sandy substrate beneath the tower foundations.
Control Trench (1917)
Control Trench (2011)
Ladder leading from top of the trench into the bunker
Inside the bunker
Construction of Fox Hill Reservoir (1914)
Main entrance into reservoir -No Visible entry point

The site is massive and only managed to cover half so will be going back for a noisy around again.

Couple of pics hanging though the hatches in demolished valve room
The Magazine
Inside the Blast Shelters
Odd Buildings dotted around the site
Boiler House
The gate to now where
This site is massive and i was only able to cover half of it, there is loads more to find, so will be making a return trip soon.