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Report - The Vicarage, Surrey, September 2020

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T-Rex Urbex
28DL Full Member
Another weekly road trip with @Chloe Explores and my daughter.

I have had this pinned as a query for some time after spotting it on Google Maps and would eventually got round to investigating under the guise of a dog walk. However, turned out Chloe had it pinned too so this was our first explore of the day after arriving at a previous one to discuscover it had been flattened during the past few weeks.

This is to the rear of a lovely church and graveyard, and once served as the Vicarage. The house is massive and spread over 3 floors, access was a bit brambley. The rooms are very large and each one is colourful, and they all have large windows overlooking the large grounds. The peeling paint and wallpaper made it a lovely place to photograph and it was untouched other than broken windows and nature slowly taking over.

The ground floor was sound other than some dampness, mould and a large display of fungi growing at the bottom of the stairs. The stairs were suffering with damp and needed care when using them as they bowed a little underfoot and the floors on the first floor were iffy in place, especially where the ceiling below had come away.

On the first floor the rooms were equally big, bright and decaying even more with touches of black mould on the walls. Unfortunately the second (top) floor was out of bounds, the stairs were soaked and one foot on the floor up there and a near miss with going straight through was enough to abandon the idea of looking around up there.

Outside was a shed with an old sideboard/desk and an outbuilding with some cupboards and a small fridge, i haven’t opened a fridge on an explore yet so decided to be brave and take a look only to find a bee/wasp/hornet nest in there. I guess it was an old bee nest given the shape.

A really enjoyable explore, left alone as pretty much hidden from the neighbours.

The present Church was built between 1848 and 1852 at the expense of the then owner, Thomas Alcock. It is an exact copy of a 14th century church in Berkshire under the supervision of the architect. Cruciform in shape and splendid with beautiful stained glass windows; its tall distinctive steeple is visible for miles around.

The Vicarage sold for £1,100,000 in 2017. This sale was recorded as a non-residential transaction. This can be when a commercial mortgage is used, a property is repossessed or if the property is going to be redeveloped etc.
This is the only recorded sale for since HM Land Registry started publishing property sales in 1995.

Surprisingly I haven’t been able to find any more info.






















Chloe Explores
28DL Full Member
Lovely photos! Really enjoyed this one - ignoring the fact the second set of stairs crumbled underneath me ;)

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Nice find. Some nice decay & nature growing in there. Nice to see somewhere not tagged up. :thumb

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