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Things that look sad :-( | Photo Threads |

Things that look sad :-(

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hiya. Thought id have a go at starting one of these, see if anyone contributes :-)
The more i visit these places, the more i come across weird items dotted around that , well, just dont look like they want to be there any more. Iv actually felt a little tinge of sadness for the odd boiler or other random machine , sat in a cold dark basement rusting away looking all sad.
Heres a few to kick off, ill add as i find them. Be interesting to see what others have spotted on their travels..

These two were found in a basement somewhere on Bradford Street in Brum



Another one from Bradford Street


Really long face at Typhoo boiler room



Mmm, the fresh smell of black mould
28DL Full Member
Was not expecting the term 'things that look sad' too be literal, but I am so glad it is. Pmsl right now, poor poor sad boiler

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