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Report - - Thorpe St Andrews Asylum Nurses Block, Norfolk - October 2022 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Thorpe St Andrews Asylum Nurses Block, Norfolk - October 2022

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"The Pump People"
Regular User
Thorpe Asylum Block / Meadowlands Mental Health Care Home

This is one of those local places you drive past for years and think “I'll never get in there” Oh how I was wrong, after a tip off from our friend @Mikeymutt , me and @dansgas1000 made the whole 20-minute trip into the city to give it a go. Not ashamed to say that we were a bit on edge as we were aware that there was possibly an active alarm system inside, and security had not long left after being on site for the last 6 or so years. Once inside, it was absolutely fine. A bit lacking in decay in places for my liking, but still an impressive place.

Meadowlands is a mental health accommodation unit, part of St Andrews Asylum in Norwich, this is one of the few remaining parts. Everybody goes to the older part, which is now absolutely ruined and not really worth seeing, but seem to have overlooked this bit.
The best bit has to be the beautiful staircase which is situated near the old main entrance. This is also where the alarm was, the box was flashing but didn't sound while we were there, so must have been disabled somehow.
Upstairs was mainly accommodation like rooms along with a few small office spaces for staff members, there were also a couple of kitchen areas, still with a few bits and pieces left. Downstairs were mainly communal rooms, larger with impressive bay windows and light fixtures, some of those rooms still also had power as can be seen in the photos.
Externally, the building is very charming, with lovely features, someone really took pride in designing the building.
Closed down in 2016, its future is unclear. I really hope something happens to preserve it because it's so beautiful from the outside.

Luckily, the building is in very good condition, it appears it has started to be surveyed (spray paint marks on walls and floors) and partially stripped in places, but it's nearly completely clear of any deliberate vandalism, there's only one smashed window which is the one you enter through, and there's a few cans and bottles laying about, nothing major. No rubbish graffiti or goon stickers in sight, excellent.
I'm not sure if It's still accessible or has been resealed, I haven't seen it pop up for a while.

This is a photo from 1992, thought it was a lot older due to it being in black and white, but apparently not…

(Click on the photo for a link to the Historic England page where the photo is from)


The front of the building












Old paperwork found, I have altered some of the info on this for the patient's privacy


Drawings and writings done by one of the patients, this room in particular was covered in this sort of writing.



Power in this room, notice the lovely stained-glass also.





Security glass at main reception


The lovely staircase







The sort of decay we like!


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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Really nice pics of the place. You took your time though :rofl. I did say you were safe from the alarm ha ha, unlike me on my first visit. Not sure why it was switched off a few days later.


"The Pump People"
Regular User
Really nice pics of the place. You took your time though :rofl. I did say you were safe from the alarm ha ha, unlike me on my first visit. Not sure why it was switched off a few days later.
Thanks! Yeah it took us a while as usual haha. Alarms themselves don't really bother me, it's just the initial bit when it goes off and you get brown pants from the surprise of it. Someone must have gone in and silenced it. Strange they didn't fix the window while there, must have been done remotely otherwise.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Thanks! Yeah it took us a while as usual haha. Alarms themselves don't really bother me, it's just the initial bit when it goes off and you get brown pants from the surprise of it. Someone must have gone in and silenced it. Strange they didn't fix the window while there, must have been done remotely otherwise.
Ha ha brown pants. It was really loud when you were at the stairs. Chris said he has seen security parked out front now. So reckon it's sealed up now. I don't think they went in, but turned it off remotely.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Excellent pics mate. Like you say it did lack a bit in decay for our liking but there were lots of original features that more than made up for it - and that staircase!


"The Pump People"
Regular User
Excellent pics mate. Like you say it did lack a bit in decay for our liking but there were lots of original features that more than made up for it - and that staircase!
I still liked it. Makes me laugh that all the basics went to Griffin Pub, but probably never even knew this was next to it. I was also very surprised when I flicked on that light switch, wasn't expecting anything to happen haha


28DL Regular User
Regular User
I still liked it. Makes me laugh that all the basics went to Griffin Pub, but probably never even knew this was next to it. I was also very surprised when I flicked on that light switch, wasn't expecting anything to happen haha
Griffin Pub haha good riddance, I don't know why people ever bothered with that, same with the main asylum remains, good years and years ago when most of it was still standing but an absolute waste of time now.


"The Pump People"
Regular User
Griffin Pub haha good riddance, I don't know why people ever bothered with that, same with the main asylum remains, good years and years ago when most of it was still standing but an absolute waste of time now.
Well the people who bothered with it are the same who Google "derelict Norfolk" and look on that shit EDP article from 2017 and think they've put loads of hard work in finding things.

"How do you find these places!? I've tried EVERYTHING"

Yeah glad Griffin Pub has gone. Bloody dive.

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