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Report - - Thorpe St. Andrew's Hospital, Norwich - June 2021 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Thorpe St. Andrew's Hospital, Norwich - June 2021

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Aaaaaagh! First Report Time! - Please leave some constructive criticism for me! - Also, please correct me if I have any information incorrect!


The original hospital building, opened in 1814, was designed by Francis Stone. In 1849, John Brown designed and built the wings to the ward. Around 70 patients were admitted in the first few years after construction. The extensions added between 1831 and 1840 allowed for more patients to be accommodated. When the auxiliary asylum was completed in 1881, roughly 700 patients could be housed. This hospital has undertaken many names throughout its standing and was even used during World War 2 to help injured civilians/refugees. The hospital closed in 1998 and has since had some demolition work. The wards have all gone leaving only the admin and reception area.


This building has since been converted into luxury housing.


Admin and Reception area.

My Experience

Upon arriving at the site, I was met with the last accessible part of the building, the admin and reception area. Walking around the site, I had noticed people have vandalized the site pretty bad. There was a huge fence around the building which had been broken down, so I allowed myself entrance. Walking around the building, you can see where they separated the wards and demolished them on either side of what still stands. Unfortunately, I did not get any internal images as there was some very aggressive squatters there (throwing things at me from the window) and I was alone, being a young female I did not really have any means to defend myself if a situation was raised. I did not have much time to explore the exterior before I was scared away so I took the photos that I could and left out of respect.

My Photos


Some nature taking over.


Vandalized front door.


Not too sure what this was, maybe a window?


Smashed tower glass.


Grand front entrance.


Some more graffiti.


West side of the building damaged from demolition.


Further away shot.


Brick corrosion.


Back of the building.


East side of the building.


Better shot from the back.

Thank you for taking the time to have a look! How did I do? :) x

(Images are all my own, reduced to 72dpi to protect them from plagiarism)


Queller of the uprising
Nice job on your first report!

Only thing I’d be changing here is to just include the month and year of the explore, not the exact day. This protects yourself as this is a public site and known to be viewed by security and owners.

All in all, can fully understand why you’ve only got externals here after reading your description. This is always a worry with exploring solo but you’ll hopefully be able to gauge where’s good and not so good going forward.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Good first effort and like the inclusion of some archive pics to show how it used to be. Always better to explore with someone else than on your own but here you definitlely did the right thing.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Nailed it for 1st report. Well done and big welcome. Format spot on. Sounds scary, stay safe & hopefully your find an exploring buddy to go with. You did the right thing on leaving. :thumb


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Nice first report and you did the best thing in leaving. And sadly a very brutal murder occured in the little sports building opposite the admin last year. I had a quick look at the end of lockdown at the admin building earlier in the year as in the same city, and kept away from that building out of respect.

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