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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi guys this was my first abandoned explore

This one is from October 2018

We went to the abandoned tots tv house - said to be a pretty sketchy explore with a very angry land owner, we managed to find it and got in and out without any interruptions.


Unfortunately on the inside all the floor was gone. Some of the roof was caved in on the side building




There were still some recognisable features like the fire place and the stairs



And ofcourse the outside window where the credits cut into the content of the show..


Its such ashame people have trashed this place. This brought back some childhood memories so I thought it was worth a share!

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
I can't believe the owner hasn't pulled it down tbh. (they turned the tubbies house into a lake after all)
I'm assuming the stairs either collapsed from exposure or were pulled down by owner.
It is a shame it's not restored & opened as tourist attraction or something


28DL Member
28DL Member
Went there beginning of lockdown last year, completely flooded out in the back part so couldn't take a look. Super muddy too nice report


Undiscovered locations in the UK
28DL Full Member
Feel my childhood is ruined now, seeing it like that. Good pics though.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Great photos! I went here back in the winter of 2019, it was crazy to see it so dilapidated! I heard stories about the land owner, luckily we managed to avoid them! I agree with one of the previous comments, if the owner doesn't want any attention then they should probably pull it down or fence it off because it was remarkably easy to get to.

I have a bunch of photos I took here myself when I visited, very weirdly someone I knew was actually a cameraperson on the show, they were very interested and a little shocked to see it in such disrepair!

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