many thanks to Tourist Information for the heads up another one i wanted to try last summer then got told about the angry dog running loose so it got left 
thankfully we had a peaceful explore no dogs or anything although we did give the cabins a wide berth and also missed the older workshops and buildings to the rear, best bits have to be the small archive room packed with interesting paperwork and samples including recipes to/from its sister company BUSM (now totally gone) also the the attic style drop down stairs were a work of art!
as Speed has said times running out if you want to see this place! explored with MD & Goldie87
these were just awesome a whole hose of wheels pullys and cables, just need a spot of oil
thankfully we had a peaceful explore no dogs or anything although we did give the cabins a wide berth and also missed the older workshops and buildings to the rear, best bits have to be the small archive room packed with interesting paperwork and samples including recipes to/from its sister company BUSM (now totally gone) also the the attic style drop down stairs were a work of art!
1888 George Tucker founds a small business in Birmingham, UK manufacturing eyelets for leather boots.
1900 George Tucker Eyelet Company becomes part of United Shoe Machinery Company (USM), USA.
1940's The first POP® "blind" rivet is developed by George Tucker Eyelet Company in response to a request from the aircraft industry.
1950's Growth opportunities are identified for POP® rivets in industrial markets and in the EEC. Tucker GmbH is founded in Giessen, Germany.
1970's Tucker GmbH begins manufacturing and supplying Stud Welding equipment, studs and plastic parts to the Automotive industry. USM open new fastener facilities in Spain, France and the Nordic Countries.
1980's Emhart Teknologies is founded from the merger of USM and Hartford Empire. Black & Decker Corporation acquire Emhart Teknologies.
1990's Tucker Fasteners Ltd in Birmingham completes the refurbishment of the POP® rivet factory. Tucker GmbH in Giessen open a new state-of-the art plastics factory.
2000's Tucker Fasteners Ltd celebrates its centenary and Tucker GmbH celebrates its 50 year anniversary.
2013 Emhart Teknologies acquires Infastech. Both parts form now STANLEY Engineered Fastening, which is a proud member of STANLEYBlack&Decker Corporation.
the axe was wielded by US parent group Stanley, Black and Decker despite major investment in the plant in recent years. The company said manufacturing levels had almost halved over the past decade in the face of increased competition from rivals in the Far East.
A previous statement from Stanley, Black and Decker said: “Many industries have progressively migrated out of the United Kingdom, making the plant increasingly remote from its customer base. The plant has generated consistent losses since 1999.
as Speed has said times running out if you want to see this place! explored with MD & Goldie87
these were just awesome a whole hose of wheels pullys and cables, just need a spot of oil