City Of Bradford Flood Alleviation - Re-visited by Ojay & Thompski.
Another trip to 'Curry Capital' was always on the cards after our last epic explore of Upstream Macro & Bypass last month. 9 Hours underground in drains was enough for one day, so me and Thompski planned a return trip the following week. Uber FAIL but provided much comedy as ever.
Time was running out as Thompski was due home in just over 2 weeks so we always new this had to be squeezed in.
Just as we planned to go again the "crossbow cannibal" strikes, murdering prostitutes and cutting them up. This was a real inconvenience as this T**T lived right across from our access point.... No worries we'll head upstream....FFS they are only culverting that section too! (FAIL).
Ok, third time lucky we head back to Bradford, armed with energy drinks & chocolate (oh and major lighting) AGAIN.
As we parked up next to our original 'way in' the place was swarming with Police.. Seems that I had parked my car in the spot of Mr Griffiths
Thompski - "Er I think this could be a problem"
So we decided to go for the comedy access as we knew it was do-able, just had to be sneaky as fook until out of sight
On our last visit we covered Upstream Macro, Pandora's Box, Pandora's Arsehole & Bypass. HERE
For those not familiar with Bradford's subterranean world, the city has a confusing system of culverts, sewer overflows and flood relief systems which all interlink. At the heart of this is the Bradford Beck AKA Macro, a flooding prone river which curves underground through the city and occasionally showing it's face above.
Today we needed to explore the remaining sections of this massive sewer complex & flood relief system:
The Academy - This is the Bowling Beck, now used as a sewer overflow, and along the way the 'Cathedral Chamber' which again sadly we didn't get to see last time around.
Bombay Mix - This is East Brook. including another CSO. Apparently gases are bad in here, and another section we were yet to explore.
The Journey...........
Entering another short section of the exposed Beck downstream was a real farce, however it was our only option
this culverted section of the Bradford Beck winds upstream around and underneath the City through here, changing shape and size along the way.
Before eventually reaching the 'Cathedral Chamber' here
After relentless stooping and slipping around brick, stone & concrete we started to sniff shit, or actually something more unpleasant if that's possible?
We had arrived at 'Bombay Mix'. This place was rank, I ventured up one of the tunnels but soon had to retreat as my eyes were stinging bad, the air quality was real poor and the smell was unbearable. It has been known for gases in here so there was F**ks chance I was going any further!
Obviously we didn't hang around so off we went into the darkness once again.
After what seemed like an age we ended up at the start of 'Academy'
This is where the Bowling Beck flows through and is now used as a sewer overflow, It's one big RCP with a few chambers on the way, and some rather interesting leaks....
Eventually we came towards the end of the RCP, ahead was this giant inspection chamber, with a cheesegrater and steps ahead.
To the right was another smaller cheesgrater, which after a quick mooch led to another CSO
After taking some photos and a quick pit stop we headed up the steps through the cheesegrater,
Thompski looking back down
this took us into a section of RCP and another inspection chamber with more steps ahead,
into the long concrete box section
before finally reaching the giant Processor here
Inside there appeared to be a smaller arched brick overflow, so naturally I climbed in for a look, however it was real stoopy and began shrinking real quick so that was that, back to the POOP room.
This was to be the end of the journey, around 17 hours all told. We had now successfully traversed the whole alleviation system and both upstream & downstream Macro AKA the Bradford Beck, inc. Westbrook, Eastbrook & Bowling Beck. Put simply this place is awesome and well worthy of a mooch!
Thanks for looking
Another trip to 'Curry Capital' was always on the cards after our last epic explore of Upstream Macro & Bypass last month. 9 Hours underground in drains was enough for one day, so me and Thompski planned a return trip the following week. Uber FAIL but provided much comedy as ever.
Time was running out as Thompski was due home in just over 2 weeks so we always new this had to be squeezed in.
Just as we planned to go again the "crossbow cannibal" strikes, murdering prostitutes and cutting them up. This was a real inconvenience as this T**T lived right across from our access point.... No worries we'll head upstream....FFS they are only culverting that section too! (FAIL).
Ok, third time lucky we head back to Bradford, armed with energy drinks & chocolate (oh and major lighting) AGAIN.
As we parked up next to our original 'way in' the place was swarming with Police.. Seems that I had parked my car in the spot of Mr Griffiths
Thompski - "Er I think this could be a problem"
So we decided to go for the comedy access as we knew it was do-able, just had to be sneaky as fook until out of sight

On our last visit we covered Upstream Macro, Pandora's Box, Pandora's Arsehole & Bypass. HERE
For those not familiar with Bradford's subterranean world, the city has a confusing system of culverts, sewer overflows and flood relief systems which all interlink. At the heart of this is the Bradford Beck AKA Macro, a flooding prone river which curves underground through the city and occasionally showing it's face above.
Today we needed to explore the remaining sections of this massive sewer complex & flood relief system:
The Academy - This is the Bowling Beck, now used as a sewer overflow, and along the way the 'Cathedral Chamber' which again sadly we didn't get to see last time around.
Bombay Mix - This is East Brook. including another CSO. Apparently gases are bad in here, and another section we were yet to explore.
The Journey...........
Entering another short section of the exposed Beck downstream was a real farce, however it was our only option
this culverted section of the Bradford Beck winds upstream around and underneath the City through here, changing shape and size along the way.
Before eventually reaching the 'Cathedral Chamber' here
After relentless stooping and slipping around brick, stone & concrete we started to sniff shit, or actually something more unpleasant if that's possible?
We had arrived at 'Bombay Mix'. This place was rank, I ventured up one of the tunnels but soon had to retreat as my eyes were stinging bad, the air quality was real poor and the smell was unbearable. It has been known for gases in here so there was F**ks chance I was going any further!
Obviously we didn't hang around so off we went into the darkness once again.
After what seemed like an age we ended up at the start of 'Academy'
This is where the Bowling Beck flows through and is now used as a sewer overflow, It's one big RCP with a few chambers on the way, and some rather interesting leaks....
Eventually we came towards the end of the RCP, ahead was this giant inspection chamber, with a cheesegrater and steps ahead.
To the right was another smaller cheesgrater, which after a quick mooch led to another CSO
After taking some photos and a quick pit stop we headed up the steps through the cheesegrater,
Thompski looking back down
this took us into a section of RCP and another inspection chamber with more steps ahead,
into the long concrete box section
before finally reaching the giant Processor here
Inside there appeared to be a smaller arched brick overflow, so naturally I climbed in for a look, however it was real stoopy and began shrinking real quick so that was that, back to the POOP room.
This was to be the end of the journey, around 17 hours all told. We had now successfully traversed the whole alleviation system and both upstream & downstream Macro AKA the Bradford Beck, inc. Westbrook, Eastbrook & Bowling Beck. Put simply this place is awesome and well worthy of a mooch!
Thanks for looking