I tried to find some background information and history on this place but I have found absolutely nothing! So if anyone does know anything then let me know!
So I visited this place 26/02/18.
It was pretty easy to get into, the gate was unlocked and open and the front door was open too so no problems whatsoever.
Not so much graffiti anywhere, but there was writing all by the entrance all suggesting we leave and that we would die if we entered etc.
Every single window was broken and there was broken glass everywhere. There was no furniture left, except from the bar and a few small chandeliers.
Everything was broken but it was a really big area to explore with quite a few buildings to get into.
The best thing about this place was how easy everything was to find and there were no issues entering anywhere, so you can literally get anywhere you want. The down side being that there was nothing really there but it was good to have a look around! Apologies again for my photography as I had to use my phone but here are the photos that my friends and I have taken:
// instagram with all the places I have explored: @Laurenhexploring //