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Report - - V.A.S. Maddison Ltd., Hailsham February 2020 | Other Sites |

Report - V.A.S. Maddison Ltd., Hailsham February 2020

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I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User

VAS Maddison is a construction company based in Hailsham specialising in water infrastructure. The company was set up in 1977 at two sites in Hailsham, but further than that it all becomes a bit murky and mysterious in regards to closure dates and suchlike. It would appear that one of their two sites, which shares it's location with a currently in-use water pumping station (or similar utility, I'm not all up on them) closed a number of years ago and was simply left along with a large number of their vehicles, construction equipment, and all sorts.

I first went here last year, as at that time the main thing of interest for me was the compound behind one of the buildings filled with their former work vehicles. At that time the large building on site was securely locked up and at the time I was unsure whether it was still in use or not as the building directly across from it is very definitely an active pumping station of some kind. However at the start of the year I was made aware that someone had taken their size tens to the door into the building and that what was inside I simply had to see, because I couldn't quite believe it when I saw it. Entering the large building it became immediately apparent that it had been disused for some time along with the smaller, older building on site and the vans.

I've found a great many Ford Transits in the numerous vehicle graveyards I've done however they all pale in comparison to the one here, an immaculate (if you discount the broken window and mess someone made of the ignition barrel trying to hotwire it) Mk.1 Transit flatbed, which must have been their show truck they would have brought out for special occasions. I, of course, ran the plate and the last change of owner was around five years ago so why it's still sat in here I don't know, but it may well have been parked up when the site was closed and never removed. Next to it in the garage was a stupidly clean Mk.3 Transit with almost no miles on it for a van of it's type and age, one nice thing I noted was that it has a sequential registration plate with one of the vans parked outside.

The light in the building was atrocious for photo taking so I did the best I could, other than the door being bashed open to the main building the rest of it had barely changed in the year since I first went which I was very surprised about.




















Thanks for looking :)

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Very nice this, if not a little suspect in some regard. That blue Ford is ace. Gotta love a bone yard. Another great staircase too:thumb


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Man, good find Mook. That's a strange one innit?

Yeah it's a really strange one, there's almost nothing online about the company at all other than records on Companies House and a tiny sliver of information I found on another site, none of their vans have any contact info, phone numbers or anything like that just Maddison on the side also. Luckily in the large building there was a wealth of paperwork and assorted stuff to get names etc off, almost none of which I can remember as I never shot any of it :rolleyes:


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Yeah it's a really strange one, there's almost nothing online about the company at all other than records on Companies House and a tiny sliver of information I found on another site, none of their vans have any contact info, phone numbers or anything like that just Maddison on the side also. Luckily in the large building there was a wealth of paperwork and assorted stuff to get names etc off, almost none of which I can remember as I never shot any of it :rolleyes:

Avoiding the tax man ;)