These fine yet sorry looking buildings were once typical industrial premises in the industrial heartland of the center of Birmingham. Sandwiched between the Jewellery and Gun quarters of the city, these buildings are some of the few surviving examples of such works in an area which was ravaged by wartime bombing, slum clearance, the road makers and pretty much any other kind of redevelopment you can name.
The building on the left was once home to Harris glassware, a firm which made (and make as they are still in existence but relocated down south) industrial and scientific glassware.
The building next door was home to another firm still in existence, Wadsworth electrical components. We will have all seen their switches, fuse boxes etc on the walls of the nations industrial buildings.
Both buildings are in a pretty sorry state. Dereliction, fire and demolition have left them in a ruinous state. That said they were worth a mooch and a few nice rooms and little bits of interest remained.
Have you noticed that the less there is to see, the "artier" my photos get
The building on the left was once home to Harris glassware, a firm which made (and make as they are still in existence but relocated down south) industrial and scientific glassware.
The building next door was home to another firm still in existence, Wadsworth electrical components. We will have all seen their switches, fuse boxes etc on the walls of the nations industrial buildings.
Both buildings are in a pretty sorry state. Dereliction, fire and demolition have left them in a ruinous state. That said they were worth a mooch and a few nice rooms and little bits of interest remained.
Have you noticed that the less there is to see, the "artier" my photos get

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