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Report - - Wakerley Kilns.. Northamptonshire, May 2021 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Wakerley Kilns.. Northamptonshire, May 2021

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28DL Regular User
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We were coming home from a day out and was not to far from these. So we decided to swing by and have a little look. After a little stroll across the fields we were up close with them. They are actually quite a nice thing to see and quite a size when up close.
These four kilns were constructed during the first world war one. They were constructed for the roasting of iron ore what was used to make iron. The ore would have been transported to Manchester to be used at Irlam steel works. The quarry was only open from 1916 to 1921, and you can see the lay of the land around you were the quarrying for ore took place. Out of the four kilns only two were fully constructed, the other two had just the concrete bases built. The kilns were never ever used.









Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Good shots there. That's a very short time. Seems a waste of resources given the year too, wouldn't be cheap to build. Nice find:thumb

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Interesting didnt realise they were never used.
I was led to believe they were built by POW's but not sure if thats true

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