This it the first thing that prompted ex0 and I to meet up. I wanted to finally conquer it.
I woke up at about eight pm. Damn, I'd fallen asleep on my couch in the balmy weather, 4 hours gone and god knows what is gonna happen with the friends I was meant to be meeting. Ah well! I rolled over on the couch and thought now would be a good time for a smoke. Again, damn! I reached for the fat, stubby nicotine inhalator and I hated every pull on the wretched thing!
As I was on Chatbox talking about him, I got thinking about ex0 and what he'd done already (I'm assured reports will soon be forthcoming) and what we've got to do still. Hmmm... those gasometer things! After a quick call to ex0 I was packing my gear and heading to rendezvous with him in about an hour.
We met a good 15-20 minute walk from the holders and made our way down there, eying up another - very much - live site along the way, Maybe some other time. Just as we where discussing possiblities the gasholders loomed into view.
Access to this place is a good laugh, if you're watching me that is. Let's just say that as a bigger bloke, some places can be tight squeezes and others difficult to reach cos of my - not so - ample flexibility.
Everytime we try this site, something comes up. That something is always the police helicopter. The first time we tried it the bastard thing was buzzing nearly directly over head. Merseyside police love their chopper, they just seem to love flying it to justify it's existance, even at silly o'clock in the morning. Some of the excuses used are:
15/06/2011 01:55 Bootle High Visibility Policing No incidents
15/06/2011 02:10 Aintree High Visibility Policing No incidents
This time the chopper was so far off that although we where keeping an eye on it, we felt safe to proceed.
As far as I can tell Wallasey gasholders are disused. At least I haven't seen them move in a while. There where more on site but they've gone. Aside from that, there isn't a whole lot of history, so on with the pics.
That's it, thanks for looking
I woke up at about eight pm. Damn, I'd fallen asleep on my couch in the balmy weather, 4 hours gone and god knows what is gonna happen with the friends I was meant to be meeting. Ah well! I rolled over on the couch and thought now would be a good time for a smoke. Again, damn! I reached for the fat, stubby nicotine inhalator and I hated every pull on the wretched thing!
As I was on Chatbox talking about him, I got thinking about ex0 and what he'd done already (I'm assured reports will soon be forthcoming) and what we've got to do still. Hmmm... those gasometer things! After a quick call to ex0 I was packing my gear and heading to rendezvous with him in about an hour.
We met a good 15-20 minute walk from the holders and made our way down there, eying up another - very much - live site along the way, Maybe some other time. Just as we where discussing possiblities the gasholders loomed into view.

Access to this place is a good laugh, if you're watching me that is. Let's just say that as a bigger bloke, some places can be tight squeezes and others difficult to reach cos of my - not so - ample flexibility.
Everytime we try this site, something comes up. That something is always the police helicopter. The first time we tried it the bastard thing was buzzing nearly directly over head. Merseyside police love their chopper, they just seem to love flying it to justify it's existance, even at silly o'clock in the morning. Some of the excuses used are:
15/06/2011 01:55 Bootle High Visibility Policing No incidents
15/06/2011 02:10 Aintree High Visibility Policing No incidents
This time the chopper was so far off that although we where keeping an eye on it, we felt safe to proceed.
As far as I can tell Wallasey gasholders are disused. At least I haven't seen them move in a while. There where more on site but they've gone. Aside from that, there isn't a whole lot of history, so on with the pics.
Points to anyone who can spot Winter Hill transmission tower
Birkenhead/Wallasey Docks with Cammell Laird warship hall in the background
Looking at the other two remaining gasholders
Looking down
ex0 and I chilling for a victory photo
Points to anyone who can spot Winter Hill transmission tower

Birkenhead/Wallasey Docks with Cammell Laird warship hall in the background
Looking at the other two remaining gasholders
Looking down
ex0 and I chilling for a victory photo
That's it, thanks for looking