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Report - Water Eaton Grain Silo (Night Visit), Oxfordshire - October 2012

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28DL Member
28DL Member
After a non invasive mooch around Carmel College, which was more a wander round than Urban Exploration - me and a few non members decided it was time to try a proper site. A friend mentioned a large strange structure by the A34, so we set off with no idea it was one of the more visited sites in the area. Our first visit revelaed no entry possibilites, mostly due to the metal plates on every access point and a large dose of "wimping out" every time the wind blew - but on our second visit we found our way in to what turned out to be Water Eaton grain silo.

For those few who aren't aware of this place,


Water Eaton Grain Silo is a WW2 strategic grain silo between Kidlington and Oxford, next to the crossing of the main road from Kidlington to Oxford and the Oxford to Bletchley railway line. It follows a standard pattern common to other wartime silos and takes the form of two banks of ten seven storey high cylindrical reinforced concrete silos side by side with the space between them filled by a brick access shaft. In the shaft is the associated grain handling machinery and two enormous grain driers which extend the full height of the building. It was built in the early 1940s and closed in the late 1980s, after which the yard surrounding it was used by several local businesses including a pet food supplier and a car breaker. At the time of writing (November 2008) it faces demolition to make way for a waste processing facility.

Being my first real dive into exploring, I forgot everything including a tripod so only a few of my awfully flash shot pictures came out reasonable - but I hope they make the grade!

The seemingly famous, "Death Hole"

The lift looks oh so inviting,

Thinking about the huge drop below the flaking old concrete floor was a little un-nerving

Its starting to get a little trashed here, I was told if there was no chair to shoot, to find a fuse but they were all smashed :(

I hope you can excuse the dizzing angle on this shot, it was the only way to get the whole stairwell in! ( I know you guys hate angles! )

Arty farty shot, to make up for the lack of chair (can someone explain that to me ?!!?)


There were supposed to be some night roof shots, but without a tripod they all came out looking like they were taken from the window of a moving car. The exterior shots were much the same, but the rest of the detail shots can be found in my flickr set here (

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