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Report - - Water wheel pump house - Staffordshire Moorlands - Feb 2022 | Industrial Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Water wheel pump house - Staffordshire Moorlands - Feb 2022

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Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
I approached from the far side of the footpath upstream (what's left of the footpath anyway). After battling through overgrowth and even an electric fence a kind hearted farmer had fixed accross the route of the "footpath" I reached the well at the ford/roadside and had found nothing.
A fail of a day was rounded off nicely when I climbed over the fence at the roadside near the well house and fell on my arse in the Ford. There's nothing like an unplanned dip in river water at 8am Heated seats did a good job of drying the old taters off on the journey home.

If that is a public right of way Id be reporting the farmer. Most councils have a way of reporting issues with rights of way!


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Didn't notice it - odd since it's right next door. Mr rocket should go and have a look.
Actually, sorting through some Midlands pumps I've found did have a look for this - the only thing left seemed to be the reservoir, with a bit of (capped) piping further downstream where the ram might have been (or might still be if it's underground).


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