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Report - - Waterloo and Victoria Tunnels - Liverpool - March 2019 | Underground Sites |

Report - Waterloo and Victoria Tunnels - Liverpool - March 2019

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
2 reports in relatively quick succession, its almost like I've actually been out doing stuff ;)

Sunday was let's go do stuff day! We hadn't been out for a while and @Bigjobs and I had arranged to meet up with @jaynelouise to check out a few local spots. However after a couple of fails (shakes fists at the secca gods who were out to thwart us!!) we decided to head over to Waterloo and Victoria tunnels so the day wouldn't be a complete fail.

I've never done either of these before so it was a nice little bimble on a soggy wet and derp fail day. We introduced Jaynelouise to the joys of jungleering through bushes and thorny bollocks and made her climb the mountain of fly-tipped shit that fills the gap between the two tunnels, an experience I'm not sure she will forget in a hurry lol.

Unsurprisingly my ever-present inability to keep clean or bruise free resulted in me tripping over my own feet several times and stepping in puddles of fucking goopy black oily shit that is now smeared all over my DMs like goose fat on a channel swimmer :(

Nor did I escape injury free, but to be fair after a close call with my lady bits on the palisade fence (damn my shorty short legs!) I was happy to escape with a couple of bruises and a small palisade induced cut on my hand rather than an unexpected personal piercing or two!

The Tunnels History - taken directly from Wikipedia as again I'm way too lazy to do any proper research.

The Waterloo Tunnel in Liverpool, England, is a former railway tunnel, 852 yd (779 m) long, which opened in 1849. Its western end ran underneath Pall Mall. From here the line continued under Great Howard Street to Waterloo Goods railway station, now the site of the Kingsway Tunnel Ventilation Shaft, after 1895 continuing beyond to the dock railway system and on to Liverpool Riverside at the Pier Head for direct connection to the passenger liners.

The eastern end opens into a short (69 yd (63 m)) cutting, four tracks wide between Byrom Street and Fontenoy Street, which connects to the Victoria Tunnel, which emerges at Edge Hill station. It is effectively one long tunnel from Edge Hill to Liverpool Waterloo Dock with two names along its route. The tunnels were given two different names because initially trains in the Victoria Tunnel were cable hauled and in the Waterloo Tunnel locomotive hauled. Both tunnels closed on 19 November 1972.

In May 2007 it was reported that chief executive of Merseytravel, Neil Scales, had prepared a report outlining the possibilities for reuse of the Victoria/Waterloo and Wapping tunnels. Merseytravel safeguard the tunnel for future use.

In 2016, work began on replacing the road bridge on Great Howard Street that crosses over the dock entrance to the tunnel. Whilst it would have been cheaper to remove the existing bridge and in fill the resulting gap, the Department for Transport insisted the bridge was replaced at a cost of £9.7 million in order to preserve the tunnel for future use.

It wasn't just a derp fail day, I'd also forgotten to charge my camera batteries and I couldn't find the head for my tripod so these are all sketchy phone pics (sorry I shall bow my head in shame, well I won't but if it makes you feel better you can pretend I did :p)



















Hope you enjoy, oh and for those of you who moan about colour and black and white photographs in the same report...I'll save you the comment. It's my report and I don't give a flying fuck if you don't agree with me mixing it up :p


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
We tried to get into this a few weeks ago. Couldn't find an entrance down at the North docks. Can you get in at that end or is the only way in at Edge Hill Station? I don't fancy crossing the line at platform 1 with my 14 year old daughter.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
We tried to get into this a few weeks ago. Couldn't find an entrance down at the North docks. Can you get in at that end or is the only way in at Edge Hill Station? I don't fancy crossing the line at platform 1 with my 14 year old daughter.
We got in through a car park of Pall Mall, I think its now microsafe security car park. If you look at the satelitte picture on google earth there is a bit of greenery halfway up on the right hand side (nearest the road) and if you look closely you can see a dark circle and thats the entrance. It was fenced off but the fence was broken when we went. Wear wellies or sturdy shoes.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
We got in through a car park of Pall Mall, I think its now microsafe security car park. If you look at the satelitte picture on google earth there is a bit of greenery halfway up on the right hand side (nearest the road) and if you look closely you can see a dark circle and thats the entrance. It was fenced off but the fence was broken when we went. Wear wellies or sturdy shoes.
Thanks for the info, we'll be doing this next week. I can see exactly where you mean on Google Earth now.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
We got in through a car park of Pall Mall, I think its now microsafe security car park. If you look at the satelitte picture on google earth there is a bit of greenery halfway up on the right hand side (nearest the road) and if you look closely you can see a dark circle and thats the entrance. It was fenced off but the fence was broken when we went. Wear wellies or sturdy shoes.
How safe is it in there? I know they did a study on it a few years back with a view to re-opening it so I'm guessing it's fairly safe? Is it pretty much underground the whole way apart from where it pops out for a bit near Fontenoy Street?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
How safe is it in there? I know they did a study on it a few years back with a view to re-opening it so I'm guessing it's fairly safe? Is it pretty much underground the whole way apart from where it pops out for a bit near Fontenoy Street?
It seemed fairly safe when we were in there but I cant take any responsibility for anyone else going in. There wasnt anything falling down and its tunnels all the way apart from the small gap between the two.

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