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Watermill, Ashford-in-the-Water, Derbyshire - November 2022 | Other Sites |

Watermill, Ashford-in-the-Water, Derbyshire - November 2022

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
On a recent solo visit to the peaks, this was one of the locations on my to-do list which I’ve wanted to see for a while. There was no access therefore no internal shots but still report-worthy as there was quite a bit to see externally.

History & Information
I don’t believe this mill has an actual name and the construction date of the mill is not known but it is likely to be around the late 18th Century. The mill is located just off the A6 to the east of the small village of Ashford in the Water in Derbyshire.

The water wheels are said to be non-original due to the construction material. Each end of the mill contains two mill races which now contain little to no water as they are blocked at its upstream end. It is said that some work was done on the mill in the late seventies to preserve it.

Different sources online point to varying uses of the mill. One source suggests the mill was one of those established by Henry Watson in the mid to late 18th Century and used for mining Black Marble which is a form of limestone. A couple of sources point to it being a Bone Crushing Mill and others suggest it to be a Bobbin Mill, so I’m not entirely sure of the exact use.

I also found information from a 12-year old report on a different forum that some of the buildings on site were used as holiday lettings 30-40 years ago and two teenagers were killed from monoxide poisoning inside one of the buildings. It is not known how accurate this information is and whether it is related to any of the buildings on this site, however.

Onto the photos…















Thanks for looking.


Regular User
Shacklow Wood Mill

That's been cleared a lot sometime recently.
Nice photos.

A single leat feeds both wheels as well as the waterwheel powered pump between the those and the weir.
The main mill was almost certainly a bone mill. Both it and the and the other building (a store), converted to use as a timber mill later (the bobin connection). There were the remains of line shafting from the Eastern wheel but from your photos it looks like even that has all but gone.
Not aware of it ever being used as a holiday let in my lifetime.

The store building is essentially now back to it's old use but by the angling club which operates on that section of the Dove. If they are working there they'll let you have a look inside but there's nothing to see.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Really pretty that
It is, it was better than expected to be honest! Usually, I don't post reports when there's no entry but this one was an exception.

Shacklow Wood Mill

That's been cleared a lot sometime recently.
Nice photos.

A single leat feeds both wheels as well as the waterwheel powered pump between the those and the weir.
The main mill was almost certainly a bone mill. Both it and the and the other building (a store), converted to use as a timber mill later (the bobin connection). There were the remains of line shafting from the Eastern wheel but from your photos it looks like even that has all but gone.
Not aware of it ever being used as a holiday let in my lifetime.

The store building is essentially now back to it's old use but by the angling club which operates on that section of the Dove. If they are working there they'll let you have a look inside but there's nothing to see.
Thank you. I did quite a bit of searching to find the proper name of this place but I obviously wasn't looking hard enough haha. That's some interesting info you've found. Yeah, I wasn't sure on the holiday let situation/story I just saw a couple of mentions of it on an older report. Have you ever been in the main mill? Would be interested to know if there's anything left inside.

This is a lovely place. Very pretty.
It was a really nice setting and the sun was going down and mist was starting to set which made it a really nice atmosphere!


28DL Regular User
Regular User
That is such a lovely place mate. Loving them wheels. We have a bone mill here in Norfolk. Well only the wheel left and they have now restored it.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
That is such a lovely place mate. Loving them wheels. We have a bone mill here in Norfolk. Well only the wheel left and they have now restored it.
Thanks mate, yeah it is a nice one for sure, even just the externals!

Never knew there was one in Norfolk, that's interesting.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Stunning building and location. Might have to have a nosey if I'm ever in the area. Thank you for posting this. Great photos.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Stunning building and location. Might have to have a nosey if I'm ever in the area. Thank you for posting this. Great photos.
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed the pics. Definitely worth a look, it was better than I expected.

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