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Report - Wenlock edge inn, Shropshire, December 2020

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Im not to sure about the history about this inn.

I did find some reference about the inn and it had some cool old pictures

so the history as i know it and im sorry that it's a cut and paste job

Reg and Gladys Scott, took over the Wenlock Edge Inn in 1948, which was then known as the Plough Inn
The pub then consisted of two rooms at the front, one being the Lounge Bar and the other being the Public Bar. The prices of the drinks were higher in the Lounge Bar. No food was offered except for crisps etc. . It was then named the Plough Inn, and I understand it belonged to the Wellington brewery of OD Murphy Ltd.
The water and electricity was not on the mains, and the water was stored in a high level tank at the rear of the house and came from a nearby estate, and was pumped up each morning ready for the day’s consumption. The electricity was generated in a building at the rear by a large diesel engine, and the rest of the building was consumed by all the batteries required as reserve power.
Rationing was in place for food, clothes and petrol, and occasionally a Government Inspector would arrive unannounced to inspect that no illicit food was being consumed. He would search the premises, including our private rooms and bedrooms. Luckily he didn’t look above eye level and he was unaware that the illegal food was in the form of legs of lamb and pork left hanging from hooks in the kitchen ceiling above his head.
Petrol pumps were situated outside the pub, and this was before the days of self-serve, so customers would pull up outside and blow their horns, and one of the family would then go out and serve them. I think the petrol was 1shilling and 8d (8p) per gallon, but my memory may be lax on this.
The two fields opposite the pub were included with the pub, and these were planted with crops. As this was before myxomatosis disease, it was riddled with rabbits, so after the pub was shut at night, my father would get out his car (which was an ex-wartime Jeep) and I would drive this, although only 10 years old, with him and a pal sitting on the bonnet, and they would shoot rabbits, as these were mesmerised by the headlights. These were then sold to the local butcher next day.
The field was also where my father stored his vehicles as he had a lime-spreading business. This used the limestone that was readily available from the quarries which are situated between here and Much Wenlock. The large operator was Adam Lythgoe Ltd, and was a large employer in the area.
The field is also the site of Major’s Leap which is a legendary location.
The clubroom was purchased from elsewhere, and was understood to be a 1914/18 war military building and then served as a hospital building elsewhere. There was a large pond in front of the club room and as a child this was my adventure playground with a large inflatable dinghy, as supplied with wartime planes, and a military kite attached.
I went to school at Coalbrookdale High School, and this meant a journey on the steam train from Presthope station. When my father couldn’t take me to the station, I walked the 1.5 miles there to catch this, and on the days when I was late, the kind engine driver delayed the train until I turned up. This long slow train journey meant that the unruly school children, including me, could devise games to occupy their time. This included locking girls in the toilets and jamming the lock or tying them on to the luggage rack, these entailed them missing their station so they had to catch the next train back to their destination. There is a working farm next door, and this was much more attractive than school to a 10 year old, so my attendance record was inexcusable.."




The explore

So i visited here on a rainy day in December and i was with my lady. This place was amazing inside. There's lots of stuff left behind and even there's beer still in the pulls behind the bar. Beds are still ready to be made upstairs and even the kettle's and tv's are still there. I was wondering if i got into the wrong building because it looks like that they just left that morning.

Here's what it looks like now


A couple of pics from the bar



I thought that this statue looked cool


Just a quick pic in the kitchen, well some shelves


I went upstairs and saw that the beds was ready to be made



Still can't believe that the kettle and tv was still here


I enjoyed having a nose around this place

Thanks for looking
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
That's in cracking nick saying its been closed so long, shame it wont stay like that!

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