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General - - Wern Works, Briton Ferry South Wales, July 2020 | Industrial Sites |

General - Wern Works, Briton Ferry South Wales, July 2020

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Wern Works - nestled between the Old Briton Ferry bridge, the canal and the River Neath - was built in the late 1940s after the second World War, according to Briton Ferry West councillor Hugh James, following a death-blow to several older tinplate works
I've visted here a few times now, and everytime I've been I have noticed something different. The place seems a popular place for skateboarders and photographers. This place can be dangerous, even more so at night as there are gaps in the floor, so be careful.



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Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Good 1st report. Followed the structure, wrote some history, and some warnings. Welcome to 28 dl. Keep em coming :cool:


Bajo Tierra
Regular User
Its had about 10 fires this place, how it hasn't been demolished i dont know.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I vis
Yeah u knew they had it last. Wondered if it will be taken on by council or something next
I visited Wern works yesterday, just to let you all know that there are diggers in the one warehouse that are starting to remove some of the inside rubble etc. Im aware the site has been brought and is going to be rebuilt etc. So if this is one place that is on your list, now is the time to explore before it's gone. Just time your visit around the builders.

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