West park social club
September 15th 2017
During the 1970's, accommodation for the staff of west park hospital was erected to the north of the site, along with their own little sports and social club. it stayed open for 9 years after the hospital closed in 1999 till 2007/8 as a general public pub, eventually shutting its doors due to financial difficulties.
I recently had a chat with the current site owner who told me he had purchased the building and its land from the NHS last June, he planned to demolish it and build a very large and impressive house, however he has recently changed his mind and is attempting to once again sell the site on to developers. He is aware of the state of the building and said it does not bother him as it will inevitably be knocked down and all its contents scrapped. However i must pass on his advisory message that this site is unsafe, it is literally falling apart, while in there i heard countless squeaks and cracks coming from all corners of the building, mostly the ceiling.
The explore
This site has gone impressively downhill since @Gromr123 's report back in February, its almost an entirely different place now, children and paranormal groups constantly kicking new ways in and spray painting poorly crafted graffiti / demonic symbols. I like this site because i can (and do) visit it almost weekly as things are always being moved around, and there's always something new to see. making it just as interesting every time, despite it still being the same site.
I'll try to cut the 'artistic' pictures to a bare minimum and just show you what this site is all about
1. A tree has now grown in-front of the main entrance, however this is no longer the way in anyway

2. Truly trashed
3. Hard to correct the focus in pitch black

4. Staff area with a very nice carpet
5. The main hall
6. Although its just the Paranormal groups, the satanic graffiti did make me feel uneasy
9. Ouija board settings?
11. Kitchen area with many bank issued money clips
13. A nice safe to round things off
Hope you enjoyed the report