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Report - - Wigston Swimming Pool/Harpers Fitness - Wigston, Leicestershire - May 2014 | Leisure Sites |

Report - Wigston Swimming Pool/Harpers Fitness - Wigston, Leicestershire - May 2014

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Matt Inked

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This was quite a strange explore. There is some really impressive Grafitti here, And I used to live about 2 minutes away so it was nice coming back here. There's also power too.
Visited with Hamtagger, Session9 and Catbalou

History Lesson
One day there was a swimming pool, people swam, some drowned, there was also a yellow slide. The End

I found this too. A group of pensioners bid a fond farewell to swimming pool as the building is set to be closed down.

The swimming pool, in Station Road, Wigston, will be demolished and a six-lane replacement with a large fitness suite, built in its place for May, next year.

The council is spending £9.2 million to replace the facilities at Wigston and update them.

In addition, the money will also pay for a pool to be built at Parklands Leisure Centre, in Oadby, plus a refurbishment.

Once this is complete, Oadby pool will be closed down (Possibly a future explore)​

Picture time


The famous yellow tube!

This must have been quite annoying to build

The slide/flume

This is pretty impressive! And to think Police would arrest him for doing it...

Lessabled? That's a new one

The amount of Tampax and Sanitary towels in here was unreal

This is where the tightest Speedo's were kept

The only time I have ever and will ever be in Female changing rooms with a camera

Was this where people left their babies when they went for a swim?

The deep end

Thank you for reading my report. I apologize for the lack of imagination with the pictures but I was feeling sorry for myself because I had food poisoning and was trying to hold vomit down.

P.S I lied about the yellow tube being famous, I just wanted it to sound good and not just like a tube.


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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Would advise all to avoid this site from now on. Was subject to an arson attack earlier this evening! :(

Matt Inked

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Would advise all to avoid this site from now on. Was subject to an arson attack earlier this evening! :(

My cousin literally just sent me a message with a Link saying it has just exploded! Apparently it was set on fire and blew up just before the fire brigade got there.

Matt Inked

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
You made the place look good mate, some of those captions too hahahhah. Laughed at the two nuts and half a knob beside the baby prison area :)

About half an hour later you were depositing some McMuffin in the nettles at whittles, I was hungry then too :rolleyes::D

Thanks mate :thumb
I've only just noticed the knob, circumcision gone wrong...
I still hope the teenagers we saw in Whittle's stepped in it on the way out.


28DL Member
28DL Member
I managed a peek here last week, walked in midweek on my own at 5am expecting no one to be there, shocked to find 5 lads in there wearing nothing more than flipflops and swimming trunks!! they soon buggered off and I spent a good couple of hours in there taking photos. sucks about the fire!

Matt Inked

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I managed a peek here last week, walked in midweek on my own at 5am expecting no one to be there, shocked to find 5 lads in there wearing nothing more than flipflops and swimming trunks!! they soon buggered off and I spent a good couple of hours in there taking photos. sucks about the fire!

Sounds lovely :thumb
I thought it was quite cold in there so I feel sorry for them.
There was a model having a photoshoot in there when we were in. He was fully clothed though.
And I agree with the fire, the dickheads ruin it for everyone else.

Matt Inked

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
At least our claim to fame is that we were the last explorers there ever :D

It also makes us prime suspects though :eek:

That's what I was thinking... Doesn't look too good on us. I'm wondering if it was the kids we bumped into?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Not a bad site, I like the Quality Graffiti inside the pool, some of the best ive seen. Nice capture there. Lessabled? perhaps its someone who has not quite hit the finish line to full dissablity? Though I dont wish any dissability on anyone. Ive nver seen any signage with that. Its a first for me. Shame its got burned.