Second explore on the Sheffield trip with the missus!
William Rowland is a metal supplier and finished based in Sheffield, founded in 1830 by Johnathan Rowland. The company was the first to import Swedish iron into Sheffield in 1840, and made mainly cutlery products. This specific site shut down in 2020. There is an in-depth history on their website:

About Us | Metal Manufacturers | William Rowland
Discover the history and team that has made William Rowland a leading metal powder supplier and metal manufacturer across the globe on our site.

I have expected it to be completely ruined considering the sudden popularity, but funnily enough it was a lot of fun to go through, there is something about the big, empty factory spaces, dicking about with the crane controls.
The access was fairly easy, which is surprising given the state of the place, however with how public it is, it is definitely a peculiar one as we got a lot of funny looks whilst making our entry. Everything inside was easy to access with no limitations I know of, which made for a relaxed explore. The photography opportunities were wonderful, too, as the large open spaces, as well as the ruined office block did make some good shots!
Speaking of, I didn’t get many photos of the offices or the external, as they were a mess, and are fairly bland considering it’s your average modern space. My girlfriend did get photos however she may put her own report up, so I’d rather she use them for hers, as I believe they’re great photos and they’re worthy of their own report!
Anyway, on with the photos. Again, any advice would be appreciated.
What a shame to see a nice photo ruined by graff.
That’s all, folks.