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Report - - Wolverhampton Eye Infirmary, Wolverhampton - October 2019 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Wolverhampton Eye Infirmary, Wolverhampton - October 2019

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Straight off; soggy, death trap derp.

The Explore:

Access was easy, just had to negotiate a wall covered in broken glass into the site... fun! :D Anyhow, the explore was, to put it frankly, fucking dangerous. My leg went through the floor of the older section about 20 feet into the building. Luckily I wasn't majorly hurt, just a couple of grazes and a couple of holes in my jeans. The rest of the time was spent carefully treading as lightly as possible around this building in an effort to avoid making it collapse. Enjoy the photos! I didn’t take many purely because of how rotted this place is.

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Thanks for readin'!

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
You got some nice decay going on in places, I like that. Charcoaled rooms are pretty photogenic, but sad. Glad you werent hurt. Shows how safety is paramount in any location. The externals make it look quite sturdy, but you never know. I tend to tread carefully and along wall edges to check my footing. Good job on such a trashed place. It maybe trashed by youve taken time to explore it, report it. So is all good. :thumb


You got some nice decay going on in places, I like that. Charcoaled rooms are pretty photogenic, but sad. Glad you werent hurt. Shows how safety is paramount in any location. The externals make it look quite sturdy, but you never know. I tend to tread carefully and along wall edges to check my footing. Good job on such a trashed place. It maybe trashed by youve taken time to explore it, report it. So is all good. :thumb
Thanks. I'm quite proud of the photos, even if some did come out overexposed. I'm glad I wasn't badly hurt as well... place is a bloody death trap. I usually do what you do with treading carefully like that too, but this hole was on a damp area (water leeched down the wall) and had rotted the woodwork underneath it. Said woodwork was covered by carpet. Perfect combination for a nasty accident. Luckily two others were with me so if something bad did happen, they'd have been there. And where better to have an accident than in a hospital, eh? :P


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Tried to get in here yesterday, security walking around the site and 2 cars parked on the inside with people in, well annoying, only wanted a picture of the spire really! lol


Spent many hours here as a kid. Getting eyes tested and whatever lol

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