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Report - - Woogaroo/Wacol/Wolston Park Asylum - Brisbane, Aust, 2010 | European and International Sites |

Report - Woogaroo/Wacol/Wolston Park Asylum - Brisbane, Aust, 2010

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Hi there!

First report. So hopefully I don't bore you all too much. Did a quick search and did not find anything else listed for this place, which is rather odd given the 'newness' of Australia, the venues we do have should be photographed to death.

Note - this site is a currently functioning facility. Access to where I was, which is the women's ward, is through the current facility. You are risking exposure and being found if you do go. THAT said, security is incredibly lax and anyone can enter the grounds (so long as you ignore the plethora of signs telling you not to!).

The Woogaroo Asylum was founded by the Queensland government as the first publicly-funded, mental health institution in the colony in the early 1860s and by the 1950s became the largest such institution not only in Queensland, but in Australia.

A substantial number of buildings, structures and grounds elements survive from each major phase in the development of the institution. Significant 19th century elements include Female Wards 1&2 (1866).

The core of the building is sandstone with a number of large timber and brick additions. The sandstone core is long and rectangular in plan with a projecting two-storeyed bay with timber verandahs on the south elevation. The main section of the building has three separate roofs, all corrugated iron. A wide timber verandah with a skillion roof runs the length of the north elevation at both levels and returns around at both the eastern and western ends of the building. It is enclosed with timber shutters on the top storey and has an arched timber valance and timber posts at ground level. Sections of the verandah at the western and eastern ends have been enclosed with timber weatherboards. The sandstone part of the building has narrow, multi-paned sash windows and timber doors with fanlights. The interior of the building is gutted and only the timber floor joists and cast iron columns remain.


I know that there is a fair bit of 'glow' from the windows in quite a few pics. I ramped up the saturation/contrast to show the building details at their best. I don't make claim at being a 'great' photographer.

Entry initially via ground floor. This building is 'fenced' off. I use 'fence' in the loosest possible term. Many holes. This is the most 'commonly' accessed area.

1. Looking up at what is the first floor

2. I just like it cos it's pretty ... for me, the best part of urbex is bringing alive old things. Making them seem beautiful again

3. I am assuming old laundry, a lot of this building has been burnt

4. One of the more commonly photographed areas, the downstairs bathrooms with some very interesting foliage growing out of the cisterns along the wall


5. Did someone mention nature reclamation ... apparently this has since been removed which is a horrible thought .. this root structure was enormous!


6. The wooden shutters mentioned in the above history


7. Lots of doors in this place. Pink for girls!


8. After running around the side of the building (which puts you in view of the current facility), we found an entry point! Huzzah


9. Enthuiasm was short lived. We realised the floors had been ripped up in the entire place. Leaving bare beams with lethal nails sticking out of them. This was the best I could do of the hallway with the rooms coming off it. Would have given anything to be in there before they gutted it


10. View of the 'main' entrance (where the stairs went up)


11. Further along the front of the building. They had moved a lot of roof tiles into the open spaces, so getting around can be tricky. Also a lot of very long grass and uneven ground.


12. Climbing over stacks of roof tiles was worth it ... the ground floor. Afternoon sun, nice timing


13. Found another secure stairway


14. The size of the 'cells' or 'rooms' .. whatever they called them.


15. Getting around was proving a little tricky at this point.


16. Bravery/stupidity/adrenaline was at an all time high


17. On the wall in one of the rooms. Old or new .. is still a good read!


18. And this is where I ended up after beam hopping (which is what could be seen through the beams in pic no 12




20. This is the verandah mentioned in the history blurb


21. Back down the stairs. Tagging shits me


22. This was my favourite room. Just blew me away.


23. Kitchen .. obviously!



25. Hey, a non-pink door!


26. Amazing how wood had lasted this long!


27. More external


28. On our way off the premises


29. The sandstone really is gorgeous and the 'fence'


30. On way back to car, this was a caretakers house I think ? We were too busy trying to not run like little girls from the swarms of kangaroos which seem to inhabit this place



28DL Member
28DL Member
Not at all offended. It's all CC as far as I'm concerned. I realise now that the quality of editing required for this website is different than my usual editing for 'dramatic effect' which I use for standard sites.

And given I want to post more pics in the future, it's better to know now! :thumb

To make up for it, here are a few un-contrasty pics .. :p

1. My favourite room, which looks very dull with flash


2. The tree with the impressive roots. Wonder how old it is. Never actually saw where the tree came up inside the building. Is the problem with those beams, lack of 'safe' mobility


3. I would have loved to have seen this room before it was stripped and vandalised


4. Surprisingly large amount of glass still in windows


5. Apparently this wood is worth an absolute mint .. surprised it hasn't been all ripped off


6. Why are there so many bathrooms .. ?


7. KANGAROOS ARE SCARY IN LARGE NUMBERS! .. this is just 1 .. but he's huge!


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