One monster explore spread over two visits....
First visited with PerfectZebra last weekend...
Worcester Royal Infirmary closed in 2000 and has been bought by the local university to be used as accomodation and teaching facilities.
Its spread over an enormous site, but 50% of the buildings are just private accomodation...all little en-suite rooms so not very exciting.
I was amazed that there is so little vandalism inside...appart from a bit of fire damage in a few rooms there is no graffiti etc..
The hospital is a bizare layout and it appears to have been mainly for outpatients...I could not find the morgue or opperating theatres...there must be some somewhere, but I came upon some blockages in some coridors....need to go back and have a better look at them...
One of the private accomodation wings:
This photo pretty much sums up the architecture of the place...
One of the eariler buildings:
The place is mostly empty...
I really hate childrens wards with a passion...the murals on the walls of cartoon characters are desturbing!
There was a lot of random police tape all over the hospital...not sure what its there for though...
Thankyou cards...( I wonder what happened to the patients who sent them):
The most incredible part of the site is the chappel....they are obviously trying to protect it...not doing a great job, but atleast they are trying...
I have so many more photos, but I think thats enough for now....
First visited with PerfectZebra last weekend...
Worcester Royal Infirmary closed in 2000 and has been bought by the local university to be used as accomodation and teaching facilities.
Its spread over an enormous site, but 50% of the buildings are just private accomodation...all little en-suite rooms so not very exciting.
I was amazed that there is so little vandalism inside...appart from a bit of fire damage in a few rooms there is no graffiti etc..
The hospital is a bizare layout and it appears to have been mainly for outpatients...I could not find the morgue or opperating theatres...there must be some somewhere, but I came upon some blockages in some coridors....need to go back and have a better look at them...
One of the private accomodation wings:
This photo pretty much sums up the architecture of the place...
One of the eariler buildings:
The place is mostly empty...
I really hate childrens wards with a passion...the murals on the walls of cartoon characters are desturbing!
There was a lot of random police tape all over the hospital...not sure what its there for though...
Thankyou cards...( I wonder what happened to the patients who sent them):
The most incredible part of the site is the chappel....they are obviously trying to protect it...not doing a great job, but atleast they are trying...
I have so many more photos, but I think thats enough for now....