Xan's Pants
Reccied with Xan_Asmodi and squeezethatgap. Explored with the kwan and Sephiroth
We spent about 5 minutes near a grated and padlocked off part and thought we had wasted our time, but because it was quite cold out, we looked around and could see the heat rising out only a few yards from us, which is how we found our access. The manhole was a heavy one, Me, xan and squeezethatgap tried lifting the lid, but there was no room for 3 so we asked squeezethatgap to hold the torch so we could see what we're doing, when we go to lift, he decides to shine the torch to look round the field behind him
Xan and sim2lew did this place a few days after the reccy, but I couldnt make it, so I visited with the kwan and sephiroth a few days later. Fun was had, we met roland for a bit down there, sephiroth got sh!t on his wellies, and the kwan helped sephiroth remove his wellies, only to get sh!t over his hands He moaned for ages until we stopped and let him go in mcdonalds to clean up!
About the Culvert
Now, stolen off Xan_Asmodi: Built in 1968, likely using the cut and cover method, this 2+ mile culvert passes just under Liverpool's streets. It's quite bland RCB (Reinforced Concrete Box) for most of length, with manholes and three grilled sections that are interspersed at regular intervals.Pictures
Our friend Roland, me and the kwan chased him for a few minutes!
"Hey guys, lets get a group photo, my cameras on a timer, you have 5 seconds".
"Right, another 5 seconds?"
Thank you for reading