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Report - - A Hard Road - Sheffield - 21/06/23 | UK Draining Forum |

Report - A Hard Road - Sheffield - 21/06/23

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A Hard Road

(Disclamer, this is NOT the full culvert)

I had actually been to this outfall before in search of Archerman
However I didnt stop to check this drain out until jezzyboo made his report on the culvert!
I liked what I saw and I set off early morning to get in this culvert.

Some info on the culvert
A Hard Road is a 400m long section of culvert that brings the Graves Park Beck from Fraser Drive to Fraser Road.
Almost the entirety of it is RCP however it has a few interesting features on it!

The explore
The outfall was ridiculously stoopy but opened up to 4-5ft RCP.

The RCP with some lovely dressed stone


Looking back towards the outfall after a lovely crawl!

After this it was standard RCP with a few very small chambers (vertical photos from here.. sorry!)

A long crack in the RCP which made me abit nervy so progress was quick..
Note the bend in the rcp further in the photo...

The rush of water was getting louder and louder until finally...


What an epic feature eh? The water went at a crazy speed, due to the steepness of the waterslide ;)

Now it was time to attempt the climb..
This was hard, the slide was as slippy as a fish in water.
I did what I could with my long legs and climbed up, holding the rungs one by one gradually..
This must be useless for people who survey this culvert, infact I almost slipped down a few times myself!
Alas, we made it to the top!
The RCP continued on and I turned back (no photos here)

I took a gopro shot from the top of the slide which doesnt do it justice to show how steep this thing was!

Climbing down was even more of a challenge.
In the photo above, you see the closest rung to the camera and then one after.. I had to do some epic spider man movements to move from the top rung to the second highest!
This completely justified the name "A Hard Road"!

Tried to show size comparison but again, it doesnt do it justice..

And finally, back to the outfall.
Made it out just in time as it began to bounce it down!!
Again, apologies for the phone and vertical pics as this wasnt easy to photograph.
Thanks for reading, peace out!:brew
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28DL Regular User
Regular User
some good shots there glad you got one of the crack in the top of the RCP it ran quite a distance i forgot to get a pick of it good work on getting up the slide :thumb


Regular User
yeah thatbxdax
some good shots there glad you got one of the crack in the top of the RCP it ran quite a distance i forgot to get a pick of it good work on getting up the slide :thumb
yeah that crack was abit unnerving to see, especially seeing how much the RCP had dipped from that crack!!