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Report - Another day trip to the Paris catacombs July 2024

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Probably underground somewhere
Regular User
Visited with @richiemelon @L.Davvo and my non member brother in law. Continuing my obsession with the catacombs this trip was to tick off a few places i haven’t seen and to show my brother in law the usual tourist bits. So we started at the ram room which I didn’t take any photos of as was only a quick stop then it was off to the castle room via la banga. Once we got to the castle room we had a quick bite to eat while I took some photos of the castle. Some good gargoyle looking sculptures were there too






We pushed onto the lanterns room were we didn’t stop we just showed the brother in law. Next stop was to see the city sculptures but when we got there I was devastated to some pricks have absolutely destroyed it! 😤 why someone would want to ruin someone else’s hours of hard work is beyond me.
Damaged beyond repair!



So by now we were a good 3 hours in so we decided to stop at salle des fetes to chill out for a bit and take some more photos. This room was very impressive as you could imagine what it would be like to hold a party in here. It even has its own stage where you could set up the decks 👌




The stage

After a bite to eat again it was off to see the bones then the fallen pillar on route to the flag room. How the pillar has managed to stay intact is quite impressive

The route to the flag room was very testing to say the least, walking up the passage it got smaller and smaller till eventually we were sliding along on our belly’s with barely enough room to lift your head to see where you was going but it was worth it when we got to there and see the size of the rooom. Unfortunately someone thought it would be a good idea to rip the Union Jack down and half burn it which was again disappointing to see.






The original flag that @Oxygen Thief repaired years ago, it looks as though someone else has took it off the palllet and stuck it up on the wall

Now the next room we visited is kind of a secret so I won’t post anything on it, some things are better kept of the web for its own good. Now we were 8 hours in and had one more room to visit on route out called bigorre. It was a nice little chill out room after hours of marching, stooping and crawling so we stopped here for a bit to gather some energy for one last march to the exit





I got to put this pic in as I thought it was pretty cool

If anyone know who the guy is then let us know 👍. That’s it for this trip, 10 hours underground before a long drive back to Calais. A very long day but well worth it 👌. Thanks for looking
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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Looks like you had a great time down there JD and cokes as well 😂 cant fault you nice pics as well :thumb