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Report - - Appartment newbuild - Slough. October 2012 | High Stuff |

Report - Appartment newbuild - Slough. October 2012

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28DL Full Member
I have been driving past this site for months and now it seems they have gone as high as they will, and secca is still low key. As in asleep in the hut low key. No mention of chair shaped asses or donuts here. It was about ten at night so there were still lots of civilians perambulating nearby, and the train station is right there too. High fence with multiple barb wire on rising posts. You would think if you built a big fence it would go ALL the way round. Anyway your intrepid explorer waited for a break and slipped in between the cameras.

I had the run of the place and climbed about to my heart's content. I recently bought a 180 degree fisheye from Panang in Belarus. Tricky to get good pics but lots of fun. I hope you like these shots. I took bulk captures but the higher I went the stronger the wind. I gave up on the tripod and took to holding my Canon EOS D10 against the scaffold. Please excuse the low quality of my shots. It is all about the fun after all.

Dogs-eye view.


Street view.


First roof.




Then it was either climb back to ground level and WALK to the other building (crap), or climb outside the scaffold and jump over to the scaffold on the fifth floor (best choice).


And of course all the usual building site stuff.



And this is where the wee man has a sleep.


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