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Report - - Audit house, London - April 2015 | High Stuff |

Report - Audit house, London - April 2015

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

It’s been a busy time with me enjoying a few new sites and looking for future fun, with my love of cranes and a fear of heights to conquer the following quick explore presented itself. It was short and I never intended it to be report worthy (just a quick crane climb) but the pictures came out well and the site itself was rather unconventional.

No history on this one I’m afraid, if anyone knows anymore about this building I would be interested to know.

While reccing I spotted this cherry along Victoria embankment and since I wasn’t far from Blackfriars I thought it would be worth plodding over to. Once outside the building (or so I thought) it was apparent that the road was so busy that access could be an issue. With a few peeks into the site reassuring me of a safe entry I was all set. It took 15 mins before a lack of people and cars made entry possible, within no time at all I could tell this wasn’t your average building site.

What confronted me was the façade of a building, supported by a massive steel frame and beyond this outer wall was nothing. Quickly proceeding to the entrance showed a gaping hole where I presume a building once stood. Descending the scaffolding to the worksite was easy and aside from a few diggers and building materials there wasn’t much to see.

Cranes were the order of the day so up I went and clambered up onto the counterweight to enjoy a beautiful panorama of the river. A few heart stopping moments when police sirens sounded and some drunk suits walked by shouting (I thought I had been spotted). I spent a while relaxing up there people watching and enjoying a drink before heading up to the winch.

Nice views all round, especially of South bank tower and the OXO tower. I exited much to the bemusement of someone walking by, gave him a nod and then took the quickest route towards a bed.

I believe this used to be Audit house, possibly used by the national audit office?









28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thank you guys. The riverside places are at the top of my crane list, good views guaranteed.

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