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Report - Bassaleg Mortuary - Newport - Aug 20

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Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Bassaleg Mortuary


As prev reports I cant find a lot about this place, its just a small local mortuary.
Im pleased that we got in here when we did before it was made public & the goons blatantly smashed the place open.
Was a bit of a squeeze but great to tick this off.


Anyway we went here one sunny afternoon & I will never forget the look on the guys face as he innocently walked by to see me climbing out a morgue window :rofl




A closer look at the fridges




Some of the ceramics



Under the slab, I cant make out the name or find any info on the company?


Measuring stick & hammer


Head chocks & weights



& of course some poor souls ashes we found at the back of the fridge


Thats about it from here, thanks for looking



Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
That's such a nice little mortuary. It really did get hit hard in the end. Nicely captured.
yeah its a shame, wouldn't mind but a rear window was blatantly smashed as soon as it went public, if u aint capable of getting in without breaking in u aint worth of exploring it IMO

Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
Them chocks are nice mate I would of thought they would of cleaned up better instead of leaving some poor sod behind


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Great pics there mate. I reckon you have captured it really well. Sounds like a fun visit also. I wonder what was going through that blokes mind as he seen you climbing out of this place :lol

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Great pics there mate. I reckon you have captured it really well. Sounds like a fun visit also. I wonder what was going through that blokes mind as he seen you climbing out of this place :lol

thanks dude, it was quite comical, somehow we got in without being seen so didnt really care when we were coming out

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Captured lovely. Such a shame re the damage.
I read the lease holders left early and the Welsh ambulance service were taking this over as of Aug 20. I guess if they have they have major repairs to do now. I read lease was £2500 a month, but was being raised to £4800. Welsh ambulance service wanted freehold and offered 95,000 at last offer.

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