The lads and I had a bit of a get together in Bradford this weekend. Myself and Six, Turkey, Speed, Ojay and Squirrel had a good old knees up with the usual skinful and curried meal, but we did find time to have a bit of a poke about in Wool Country. Sadly with the dire need for greasy food in the morning, and ever worsening weather I didn't get quite as much time for derping as I would have liked, but did manage to take in two fetid pits before the slip 'n slide home.
No history on either, if anyone can assist in that dept I'd be most interested.
The first looks more like a church than a mill, but once inside it is clear to see the building's former industrial layout.
Looks like it was last used as an antiques warehouse as there is much interesting tat rotting away in there, however despite the decay there are some typical wool mill features remaining. This place is a death trap, the floors are terrible. Bear in mind you could die here if you intend to visit.
Note the small cut glass panels in the skylig
The typical built in cupboards one usually finds in a mill office, probably used to store ledgers in originally. I thought the doors were a nice unusual design. The doors to the office itself matched.
Derp number two... One of a long terrace of former wool mills. This one was last used a s a cash and carry, and is again a fetid pit of despair inside. It too is a rotten death trap, and despite it's size held very little of interest.
The most notable feature of the place was this very unusual lift, complete with wood paneling and little bench seat!
Original stenciling on the staircase
That's all folks, keep mooching and something good will eventually turn up!
No history on either, if anyone can assist in that dept I'd be most interested.
The first looks more like a church than a mill, but once inside it is clear to see the building's former industrial layout.
Looks like it was last used as an antiques warehouse as there is much interesting tat rotting away in there, however despite the decay there are some typical wool mill features remaining. This place is a death trap, the floors are terrible. Bear in mind you could die here if you intend to visit.
Note the small cut glass panels in the skylig
The typical built in cupboards one usually finds in a mill office, probably used to store ledgers in originally. I thought the doors were a nice unusual design. The doors to the office itself matched.
Derp number two... One of a long terrace of former wool mills. This one was last used a s a cash and carry, and is again a fetid pit of despair inside. It too is a rotten death trap, and despite it's size held very little of interest.
The most notable feature of the place was this very unusual lift, complete with wood paneling and little bench seat!
Original stenciling on the staircase
That's all folks, keep mooching and something good will eventually turn up!
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