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Report - Broomhill Pool - Ipswich - Dec 19

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Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
I honestly have loads of unposted stuff I was hoping to get up while things are quiet, but I only seem to find time for the small shitty ones.
I have however gone for another that there is very few reports from. This really was a flying visit late last year on a miserable day, not that much to see but hope you enjoy.


Broomhill Pool opened on 30 April 1938 and closed in the autumn of 2002.
The lido was built in 1938 for £17,000 by the County-Borough of Ipswich. It was designed by E. McLauchlan, the County-Borough Engineer and Surveyor.
Thanks to the work of local campaigners and the Twentieth Century Society, Broomhill Pool secured Grade II listing in August 2001.



Broomhill Pool is a founding member of Historic Pools of Britain "Established in 2015, Historic Pools of Britain is the first body ever to represent historic swimming pools in this country. These unique indoor and outdoor pools make a significant contribution to the social and architectural history of Britain and play a hugely important role in our communities"


The pools trust obtained a substantial lottery grant & the council agreed a commitment of 1.5m for a 7.25m restoration.
This was due to begin Mid 2019 & the pool was due to be reopened mid 20 but as you can see things are obviously not going to plan!
The main pool remains covered & the paddling pool haras fenced off. All buildings were sealed but I managed to sneak a pic through a gap into changing rooms with my phone!








Thanks For Looking

mockney reject

Staff member
Nice to see this again, I check on it every now and then as they had started to restore it but that seems to have stopped now

mockney reject

Staff member
I can’t remember when I last visited but they had put extra boarding up around the changing room areas then stopped for some reason.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Size isnt everything, its a good little place or was. Nice shots there. Funny how we on lock down yet a lot of us are still busy lol.

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Size isnt everything, its a good little place or was. Nice shots there. Funny how we on lock down yet a lot of us are still busy lol.

I never stop Jane, was only off 3 weeks anyway & been dragged back into work & we are almost trading as normal as it seem are a lot of our customers (building trade)
plenty to do with house to restore, 2 cars ongoing & being allowed out for walks & bike rides, damn I wish I could of stayed Furloughed!


O high
Staff member
Always thought it seemed such a large effort to cover the pool in all that sheeting - not something you see very often! Good report mate.


It was to feature in V & A Museum display about swimming pools but that has had to be cancelled due to Coronavirus. The pool was due to reopen next year but that may now have to be put back


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Had a wander around the perimeter a couple of Months ago, too many folk wandering about or I would have had a nose inside, will be popping back when these restrictions are lifted.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I used to swim there in the eighties, I would terrify my parents leaping from the high diving boards. Good memories, quite sad to see the state of it now.

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