Hi there guys 
Not a very big explore this time, but still interesting nonetheless!
A friend of mine had found this and so we both thought it would be worth a visit. Safe to say there is not much left of what would have been down there, the mattresses still remain but the beds themselves seem to have vanished. The place also looks as if it has suffered some fire damage which is a shame, and also because the hatch is jammed open it is a little bit damp as well.
This particular post was opened in September of 1961, and then later closed in October of 1968.
Hope you enjoy the pictures, although not very picture heavy...
Thanks for looking

Not a very big explore this time, but still interesting nonetheless!
A friend of mine had found this and so we both thought it would be worth a visit. Safe to say there is not much left of what would have been down there, the mattresses still remain but the beds themselves seem to have vanished. The place also looks as if it has suffered some fire damage which is a shame, and also because the hatch is jammed open it is a little bit damp as well.
This particular post was opened in September of 1961, and then later closed in October of 1968.
Hope you enjoy the pictures, although not very picture heavy...

Thanks for looking

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