I recently passed this on my way home from somewhere. At the time i knew nothing about it really other that it was a hospital. I got my mate to pull over anyway and he came in to have a look round. We were so unprepared as we hadn't intended on exploring but we went in anyway. Once we got in there it was pitch black and we couldn't see a thing. So using our phones for pictures AND lighting we did our best! This is my first report on the site but hope to put a few more up when i get chance. sorry about the picture quality!
Theres loads of history about the place as its been done a few times so i wont bore you.
Cheers for looking! Anyone fancy a mooch relatively close to manchester give me a shout my mates think i've lost it
Theres loads of history about the place as its been done a few times so i wont bore you.
Cheers for looking! Anyone fancy a mooch relatively close to manchester give me a shout my mates think i've lost it