Around the time of WW2 Surrey County Council commissioned the building of four deep shelters, Coulsdon Deep Shelter was the fourth and was built within the grounds of Cane Hill Asylum. After the war, the shelter was purchased by Cox, Hargreaves and Thomson, Limited who specialised in the manufacture of optical devices – mainly lenses for huge telescopes. They purchased the tunnels as it provided the ideal atmosphere for the production of the lenses – a constant temperature meant that they did not expand or contract during the grinding process. However, the main drawback of the tunnels was the cold and damp conditions within them, this played havoc with corroding equipment and the moral of the workforce. To combat this, the company brought a refrigerator and wired it backwards so that it could act as a crude air-conditioning unit.
Cox, Hargreaves and Thomson finally left the tunnels in the early 70s and the company subsequently wound up in 1978. After this they were used as a garage for a small length of time, but abandoned again because of the same problems faced by Cox, Hargreaves and Thomson. It was the later used as a dump for old VW car parts and the tunnels were then sealed by the local council.
The Explore
I have had the pictures sitting for a while and never got round to posting, visited the shelter a few times now, the fist time back in May 2015 and then when the enormous tonnage of soil and concrete slab was removed last year
not naming any names 
Visited with @Porker of the night and as I never took my camera on the other occasions I thought I would pop back in on the way past to grab a few shots, not many shots to be had in there but its equally a worth while place to visit, and I particularly like a deep shelter.
On to the pictures:
Thanks for having a ganders
Around the time of WW2 Surrey County Council commissioned the building of four deep shelters, Coulsdon Deep Shelter was the fourth and was built within the grounds of Cane Hill Asylum. After the war, the shelter was purchased by Cox, Hargreaves and Thomson, Limited who specialised in the manufacture of optical devices – mainly lenses for huge telescopes. They purchased the tunnels as it provided the ideal atmosphere for the production of the lenses – a constant temperature meant that they did not expand or contract during the grinding process. However, the main drawback of the tunnels was the cold and damp conditions within them, this played havoc with corroding equipment and the moral of the workforce. To combat this, the company brought a refrigerator and wired it backwards so that it could act as a crude air-conditioning unit.
Cox, Hargreaves and Thomson finally left the tunnels in the early 70s and the company subsequently wound up in 1978. After this they were used as a garage for a small length of time, but abandoned again because of the same problems faced by Cox, Hargreaves and Thomson. It was the later used as a dump for old VW car parts and the tunnels were then sealed by the local council.
The Explore
I have had the pictures sitting for a while and never got round to posting, visited the shelter a few times now, the fist time back in May 2015 and then when the enormous tonnage of soil and concrete slab was removed last year

Visited with @Porker of the night and as I never took my camera on the other occasions I thought I would pop back in on the way past to grab a few shots, not many shots to be had in there but its equally a worth while place to visit, and I particularly like a deep shelter.
On to the pictures:
Thanks for having a ganders